Auto Scaling Overview
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    Auto Scaling Overview

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    Article summary

    Can be used in a Classic environment.


    AutoScailing command outputs executable downstream command lists.


    getLaunchConfigurationListGet list of Launch Configurations
    createLaunchConfigurationCreate launch configuration
    deleteAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationDelete Launch Configuration of Auto Scaling Group
    getAutoScalingGroupListGet Auto Scaling Group List
    createAutoScalingGroupCreate Auto Scaling Group
    updateAutoScalingGroupModify Auto-Scaling Group
    deleteAutoScalingGroupDelete Auto Scaling Group
    setDesiredCapacityAdjust desired capacity
    terminateServerInstanceInAutoScalingGroupTerminate server instances that belong to the autoscaling group
    setServerInstanceHealthAdjust health status of server instances
    getScheduledActionListGet schedule action list
    putScheduledUpdateGroupActionCreate or renew a scaling action schedule
    deleteScheduledActionDelete scaling action schedules
    suspendProcessesSuspend the scaling process
    resumeProcessesResume the scaling process
    getScalingProcessTypeListGet list by process action type
    getAutoScalingActivityLogListGet list of Activity Log
    getAutoScalingConfigurationLogListGet list of Auto scaling configuration log
    getAutoScalingPolicyListGet Auto Scaling Policy List
    putScalingPolicyCreate or edit a scaling policy
    deletePolicyDelete scaling policy
    executePolicyOperate an assigned scaling policy
    getAdjustmentTypeListGet list of adjustable policies

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