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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    Creates a Cloud Hadoop instance.


    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Can decide the Region where the Cloud Hadoop instance will be created
    regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
    Default: select the first Region of the getRegionList search results
    vpcNoYesString- VPC number
    Can decide the VPC where the Cloud Hadoop instance will be created
    vpcNo can be obtained through the getVpcList action
    cloudHadoopImageProductCodeNoString- Cloud Hadoop image product code
    cloudHadoopImageProductCode can be obtained with productCode of the getCloudHadoopImageProductList action
    Created with the default value if no input is entered
    Default: Cloud Hadoop's latest version
    masterNodeProductCodeNoString- Cloud Hadoop Master server product code
    Can determine the server specifications of the Cloud Hadoop instance to be created
    masterNodeProductCode can be obtained by setting and calling as infraResourceDetailTypeCode = 'MSTDT' of the getCloudHadoopProductList action
    Default: the minimum specifications are selected
    Standard of minimum specifications: 1. Memory 2. CPU
    edgeNodeProductCodeNoString- Cloud Hadoop Edge server product code
    Can determine the server specifications of the Cloud Hadoop instance to be created
    edgeNodeProductCode can be obtained by setting and calling as infraResourceDetailTypeCode = 'EDGND' of the getCloudHadoopProductList action
    Default: the minimum specifications are selected
    Standard of minimum specifications: 1. Memory 2. CPU
    workerNodeProductCodeNoString- Cloud Hadoop Worker server product code
    Can determine the server specifications of the Cloud Hadoop instance to be created
    workerNodeProductCode can be obtained by setting and calling as infraResourceDetailTypeCode = 'MSTDT' of the getCloudHadoopProductList action
    Default: the minimum specifications are selected
    Standard of minimum specifications: 1. Memory 2. CPU
    cloudHadoopClusterNameYesStringOnly Korean and English letters, numbers, and the special character - can be entered
    - Must start and end with an English letter (lowercase) or a number
    Min: 3
    Max: 15
    Cloud Hadoop cluster name
    cloudHadoopClusterTypeCodeYesString- Cloud Hadoop cluster type code
    cloudHadoopClusterTypeCode can be obtained through the getCloudHadoopClusterTypeList action
    cloudHadoopAddOnCodeListNoList<String>- Cloud Hadoop Add-On list
    Available only for Cloud Hadoop 1.5 version or higher
    - cloudHadoopAddOnCode can be obtained through the getCloudHadoopAddOnList action
    <example> cloudHadoopAddOnCodeList PRESTO,HBASE
    cloudHadoopAdminUserNameYesStringMust only contain English letters (lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-)
    Must start and end with an English letter (lowercase) or a number
    Min : 3
    Max: 15
    - Cluster administration key user name
    Admin account required for accessing ambari management console
    cloudHadoopAdminUserPasswordYesStringMust include at least 1 alphabetical character (capital letter), special character, and number
    Special characters, such as single quotations ('), double quotations ("), the KRW symbol (₩), slashes (/), ampersands (&), back quotes (`), and spaces cannot be included
    - Cluster admin password
    Admin account password required for accessing ambari management console
    loginKeyNameYesString- Authentication key name
    loginKeyName can be obtained through the getCloudHadoopLoginKeyList action
    Set the SSH authentication key required for connecting directly to the node
    edgeNodeSubnetNoYesString- Subnet number of edge node
    Can select a subnet that will locate the edge node
    Edge nodes are located in private/public subnets
    edgeNodeSubnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
    masterNodeSubnetNoYesString- Subnet number of master node
    Can select a subnet that will locate the master node
    Master nodes are located in private/public subnets
    masterNodeSubnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
    bucketNameYesString- Bucket name
    Refers to a space to store data in Object Storage
    bucketName can be obtained through the getCloudHadoopBucketList action
    workerNodeSubnetNoYesString- Subnet number of worker node
    Can select a subnet that will locate the worker node
    Worker nodes are only located in private subnets
    workerNodeSubnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
    masterNodeDataStorageTypeCodeNoStringSSD | HDD- Data storage type code of master nodes
    Data storage type cannot be changed after installation
    Options: SSD | HDD
    Default: SSD
    workerNodeDataStorageTypeCodeNoStringSSD | HDD- Data storage type code of worker nodes
    Data storage type cannot be changed after installation
    Options: SSD | HDD
    Default: SSD
    masterNodeDataStorageSizeYesIntegerMin: 100
    Max: 2000
    - Data storage size of the master node
    Can be entered in 10 GB units between 100 GB and 2000 GB
    4000 GB and 6000 GB are also available
    workerNodeDataStorageSizeYesIntegerMin: 100
    Max: 2000
    - Data storage size of the worker node
    Can be entered in 10 GB units between 100 GB and 2000 GB
    4000 GB and 6000 GB are also available
    workerNodeCountNoInteger- Number of worker nodes
    You can select between 2 and 8 worker nodes
    Default : 2
    useKdcNoBoolean- Whether to use Ros authentication configuration
    Ros is used to configure secure Hadoop clusters
    Default: false
    kdcRealmConditionalString- KDC's Realm information
    Can be entered only if useKdc is true
    Will be ignored if useKdc is false
    Only realm-format domain rules are allowed
    kdcPasswordConditionalString- KDC admin account password
    Can be entered only if useKdc is true
    Will be ignored if useKdc is false
    useBootstrapScriptNoBoolean- Whether to use Cloud Hadoop bootstrap script
    Default: false
    bootstrapScriptConditionalStringOnly English is supported. Spaces and special characters are not allowed
    Available up to 1024 bytes
    - Cloud Hadoop bootstrap script
    Can be entered only if useBootstrapScript is true
    Will be ignored if useBootstrapScript is false
    Can run scripts only with the bucket that is connected to Cloud Hadoop
    You must enter the folder and file name, excluding the bucket name
    <example> init-script/
    Default: false
    useDataCatalogNoBoolean- Whether to use Cloud Hadoop Data Catalog
    It provides Cloud Hadoop hive metastore by using Data Catalog service's catalog.
    You can connect only if the Data Catalog service's Catalog status is normal.
    You can only connect with Cloud Hadoop 2.0 version or higher.
    Default: false
    outputNoString- Format type of response result
    Options : xml | json
    Default : json


    Response data type

    • CloudHadoopInstanceList type
    CloudHadoopInstanceList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List<CloudHadoopInstance> cloudHadoopInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String cloudHadoopInstanceNo;
    private String cloudHadoopClusterName;
    private String cloudHadoopInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode cloudHadoopInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode cloudHadoopInstanceOperation;
    private CloudHadoopClusterType cloudHadoopClusterType;
    private CloudHadoopVersion cloudHadoopVersion;
    private List<CloudHadoopAddOn> cloudHadoopAddOnList
    private String ambariServerHost;
    private String clusterDirectAccessAccount;
    private String loginKey;
    private String objectStorageBucket;
    private String kdcRealm;
    private String cloudHadoopImageProductCode;
    private Boolean isHa;
    private String domain;
    private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;
    private Date createDate;
    private Boolean useDataCatalog;
    private List<CloudHadoopServerInstance> cloudHadoopServerInstanceList;
    private String code;
    private String codeName;
    private String code;
    private String codeName;
    private String code;
    private String codeName;
    private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String cloudHadoopServerInstanceNo;
    private String cloudHadoopServerName;
    private String cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation;
    private CommonCode cloudHadoopServerRole;
    private String regionCode;
    private String vpcNo;
    private String subnetNo;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date uptime;
    private String zoneCode;
    private Long memorySize;
    private Integer cpuCount;
    private Boolean isPublicSubnet;
    private Long dataStorageSize;
    private String cloudHadoopProductCode;
    private CommonCode dataStorageType;



    ncloud vhadoop createCloudHadoopInstance --regionCode KR --vpcNo **65 --cloudHadoopImageProductCode SW.VCHDP.LNX64.CNTOS.0708.HDP.15.B050 --masterNodeProductCode SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.HIMEM.C004.M032.NET.HDD.B050.G002 --edgeNodeProductCode SVR.VCHDP.EDGND.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002 --workerNodeProductCode SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.HICPU.C008.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002 --cloudHadoopClusterName test*** --cloudHadoopClusterTypeCode CORE_HADOOP_WITH_SPARK --cloudHadoopAddOnCodeList PRESTO --cloudHadoopAdminUserName test-*** --cloudHadoopAdminUserPassword ******* --loginKeyName key**** --bucketName buc*** --edgeNodeSubnetNo 11** --masterNodeSubnetNo 11** --workerNodeSubnetNo 12** --masterNodeDataStorageTypeCode SSD --workerNodeDataStorageTypeCode SSD --masterNodeDataStorageSize 100 --workerNodeDataStorageSize 100 --workerNodeCount 2 --useKdc true --kdcRealm EX**LE.COM --kdcPassword ********* --useBootstrapScript true --bootstrapScript init-script/ --useDataCatalog true


      "createCloudHadoopInstanceResponse": {
        "totalRows": 1,
        "cloudHadoopInstanceList": [
            "cloudHadoopInstanceNo": "2775778",
            "cloudHadoopClusterName": "test123",
            "cloudHadoopInstanceStatusName": "creating",
            "cloudHadoopInstanceStatus": {
              "code": "INIT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State"
            "cloudHadoopInstanceOperation": {
              "code": "CREAT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP"
            "cloudHadoopClusterType": {
              "code": "CORE_HADOOP_WITH_SPARK",
              "codeName": "Core Hadoop with Spark : HDFS(3.1.1), YARN(3.1.1), Zookeeper(3.4.9), Ranger(2.0.0), HIVE(3.1.2), Hue(4.8.0), Zeppelin Notebook(0.10.1), Spark (2.4.8)"
            "cloudHadoopVersion": {
              "code": "HADOOP2.0",
              "codeName": "Cloud Hadoop 2.0"
            "cloudHadoopAddOnList": [],
            "ambariServerHost": "e-001-test123-15iv-hd",
            "clusterDirectAccessAccount": "sshuser",
            "loginKey": "newkey",
            "objectStorageBucket": "ffdd",
            "cloudHadoopImageProductCode": "SW.VCHDP.LNX64.CNTOS.0708.HDP.20.B050",
            "isHa": true,
            "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900",
            "accessControlGroupNoList": [],
            "cloudHadoopServerInstanceList": [
                "cloudHadoopServerName": "e-001-test123-15iv-hd",
                "cloudHadoopServerRole": {
                  "code": "E",
                  "codeName": "Edge Node"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudHadoopProductCode": "SVR.VCHDP.EDGND.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "1665",
                "subnetNo": "5746",
                "isPublicSubnet": false,
                "dataStorageSize": 107374182400,
                "cpuCount": 4,
                "memorySize": 17179869184,
                "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900"
                "cloudHadoopServerName": "m-001-test123-15it-hd",
                "cloudHadoopServerRole": {
                  "code": "M",
                  "codeName": "Master Node"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudHadoopProductCode": "SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "1665",
                "subnetNo": "5746",
                "isPublicSubnet": false,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "dataStorageSize": 107374182400,
                "cpuCount": 4,
                "memorySize": 17179869184,
                "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900"
                "cloudHadoopServerName": "m-002-test123-15iu-hd",
                "cloudHadoopServerRole": {
                  "code": "M",
                  "codeName": "Master Node"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudHadoopProductCode": "SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "1665",
                "subnetNo": "5746",
                "isPublicSubnet": false,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "dataStorageSize": 107374182400,
                "cpuCount": 4,
                "memorySize": 17179869184,
                "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900"
                "cloudHadoopServerName": "d-001-test123-15iw-hd",
                "cloudHadoopServerRole": {
                  "code": "D",
                  "codeName": "Date Node"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudHadoopProductCode": "SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "1665",
                "subnetNo": "5746",
                "isPublicSubnet": false,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "dataStorageSize": 107374182400,
                "cpuCount": 4,
                "memorySize": 17179869184,
                "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900"
                "cloudHadoopServerName": "d-002-test123-15ix-hd",
                "cloudHadoopServerRole": {
                  "code": "D",
                  "codeName": "Date Node"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudHadoopServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudHadoopProductCode": "SVR.VCHDP.MSTDT.STAND.C004.M016.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "1665",
                "subnetNo": "5746",
                "isPublicSubnet": false,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "dataStorageSize": 107374182400,
                "cpuCount": 4,
                "memorySize": 17179869184,
                "createDate": "2023-02-08T21:26:09+0900"
        "requestId": "aa789745-34de-416c-a4c2-159482eaa9ed",
        "returnCode": "0",
        "returnMessage": "success"
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP</codeName>
                    <codeName>Core Hadoop with Spark : HDFS(3.1.1), YARN(3.1.1), Zookeeper(3.4.6), Ranger(1.2.0), HIVE(3.1.0), Hue(4.3.0), Zepplin Notebook(0.8.0), Spark(2.4.8)</codeName>
                    <codeName>Cloud Hadoop 1.6</codeName>
                            <codeName>Edge Node</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Master Node</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Master Node</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Date Node</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Date Node</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>

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