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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Create a Cloud DB for MSSQL instance.


    The text of the command is as follows:

    ncloud vmssql createCloudMssqlInstance [regionCode] [vpcNo] [subnetNo] [mirrorSubnetNo] [cloudMssqlServiceName] [configGroupNo] [cloudMssqlImageProductCode] [cloudMssqlProductCode] [dataStorageTypeCode] [isHa] [isMultiZone] [backupFileRetentionPeriod] [backupTime] [isAutomaticBackup] [cloudMssqlUserName] [cloudMssqlUserPassword] [cloudMssqlPort] [characterSetName] [output]


    The following is a description on parameters.

    ParameterTypeRequirement statusDescriptionRestrictions
    regionCodeStringNRegion code
    - regionCode can be obtained via the getRegionList action
    - Default: selects the first region of the getRegionList search results
    vpcNoStringYVPC number
    - vpcNo can be obtained via the getCloudMssqlTargetVpcList action
    subnetNoStringYSubnet number
    - subnetNo can be obtained via the getCloudMssqlTargetSubnetList action
    -Public domain can only be subscribed on a DB server generated on Public Subnet
    - Subnet transfer is not possible after a Cloud DB for MSSQL instance has been created
    mirrorSubnetNoStringNSubnet number of the mirror server
    - When multi-zone (isMultiZone) is false, input is not accepted. When multi-zone (isMultiZone) is true, you must enter
    - mirrorSubnetNo must have a different zone from the principle server's subnet, and their public or private statuses must match
    - mirrorSubnetNo can be obtained via the getCloudMssqlTargetSubnetList action
    cloudMssqlServiceNameStringYCloud DB for MSSQL service name- Only English alphabets, numbers, dash ( - ) and Korean letters can be entered
    - Min: 3
    - Max: 15
    configGroupNoStringNCloud DB for MSSQL config group Number
    - Config groups created earlier can be applied when creating a server
    - When you do not have any config groups, you can select from provided config groups by default
    - You can view through getCloudMssqlConfigGroupList
    - default: 0
    cloudMssqlImageProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MSSQL image product code
    - cloudMssqlImageProductCode can be obtained via the getCloudMssqlImageProductList action's productCode
    - Generated in default value if data is not entered
    cloudMssqlProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MSSQL product code
    - Set the server specifications of the Cloud DB for MSSQL instance to be created
    - cloudMssqlProductCode can be obtained via the getCloudMssqlProductList action's productCode
    - Default: selected as the minimum specification. The minimum specification is based on 1. memory and 2. CPU
    dataStorageTypeCodeStringNData storage type code
    - Data storage type cannot be altered after installation
    - options: SSD or HDD
    - default: SSD
    isHaBooleanYHigh availability status
    - If high availability is selected, 2 servers including a standby master server are generated, and additional charges will be incurred
    - default: true
    isMultiZoneBooleanNMulti-zone (True/False)
    - If the high availability status (isHa) is true, select the multi-zone status
    - If multi-zone is selected, the principle server and mirror server are created in different zones to provide higher availability
    - Must be entered if the high availability status (isHa) is true
    - default: false
    backupFileRetentionPeriodIntegerNBackup file storage period
    - Backups are performed every day, and backup files are saved in a separate backup storage
    - Charges are based on the storage space used
    - default: 1 (1 day)
    - Min: 1
    - Max: 30
    backupTimeStringNBackup time
    - Sets the backup time. If automatic backup (isAutomaticBackup) is false, entry is required
    - 01:15
    - HHMM format. You must enter in 15-minute increments
    isAutomaticBackupBooleanNBackup time is automatically set
    - Select whether to have backup times set automatically
    - When the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is true, any backupTime entered is ignored and the backup time is set automatically
    cloudMssqlUserNameStringYAccess user name
    - Enter username to use for DB admin
    - Only English letters, numbers, and underscore characters ( _ ) are allowed, and must start with an English letter
    - Min: 4
    - Max: 16
    cloudMssqlUserPasswordStringYAccess password
    - Enter user's password to use for DB admin
    - Must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least 1 each of English letter, special character, and number
    - The following characters cannot be used in the password: ` & \ " ' / and space
    - Min: 8
    - Max: 20
    cloudMssqlPortIntegerNCloud DB for MSSQL port
    - Enter the TCP port number for MSSQL access
    - default: 1433
    - Min: 10000
    - Max: 20000
    characterSetNameStringNDB character set
    - DB character set can be selected between Korean and English collation
    - Can be viewed via the getCloudMssqlCharacterSetList API
    - default: Korean_Wansung_CI_AS
    outputStringNFormat type of the response result
    - options: xml | json
    - default: json


    Response data type

    • CloudMssqlInstanceList type

      CloudMssqlInstanceList extends CommonResponseDescription
      private Integer totalRows;Total number of items viewed
      private List<CloudMssqlInstance> cloudMssqlInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();Cloud DB for MSSQL instance list
    • CloudMssqlInstance type

      private String cloudMssqlInstanceNo;Cloud DB for MSSQL instance number
      private String cloudMssqlServiceName;Cloud DB for MSSQL service name
      private String cloudMssqlInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for MSSQL instance status name
      - creating
      - deleted
      - deleting
      - downgrading
      - pending
      - recovering
      - reinstalling
      - restarting
      - running
      - settingup
      - shuttingdown
      - stopped
      - upgrading
      private CommonCode cloudMssqlInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for MSSQL instance status code
      - INIT (initiate)
      - CREAT (created)
      - DEL (deleted)
      private CommonCode cloudMssqlInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for MSSQL instance operation code
      - CREAT (create)
      - DEL (delete)
      - FO (failover)
      - NULL (no operation)
      - SETUP (setup)
      - UPGD (upgrade)
      - DWGD (downgrade)
      - BKP (backup)
      private String cloudMssqlImageProductCode;Cloud DB for MSSQL image product code
      private Boolean isHa;High availability status
      private Boolean isMultiZone;Multi-zone (True/False)
      private CommonCode license;Cloud DB for MSSQL license
      private Integer cloudMssqlPort;Cloud DB for MSSQL port
      private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;Backup file storage period
      private String backupTime;Backup time
      private String configGroupNo;Cloud DB for MSSQL config group Number
      private String configGroupName;Cloud DB for MSSQL config group name
      private String engineVersion;Cloud DB for MSSQL engine version
      private Date createDate;Creation date
      private String dbCollation;Cloud DB for MSSQL character set
      private List<CloudMssqlServerInstance> cloudMssqlServerInstanceList;Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance list
      private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;List of ACG numbers
    • CloudMssqlServerInstance type

      private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceNo;Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance number
      private String cloudMssqlServerName;Cloud DB for MSSQL server name
      private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerRole;Cloud DB for MSSQL server role
      private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance status name
      - creating
      - deleted
      - deleting
      - downgrading
      - pending
      - recovering
      - reinstalling
      - restarting
      - running
      - settingup
      - shuttingdown
      - stopped
      - upgrading
      - downgrading
      private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance status code
      - DEL (deleted)
      - PEND (pending)
      - RUN (running)
      - STOP (stopped)
      - FSTOP (failure stopped)
      private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance operation code
      - NOOP (no operation)
      - CREAT (create)
      - START (start)
      - RSTRT (restart)
      - SETUP (setup)
      - STOP (stop)
      - FO (failover)
      - DEL (delete)
      - UPGD (upgrade)
      - DWGD (downgrade)
      - RISTL (reinstall)
      private String regionCode;Region code
      private String zoneCode;Zone code
      private String vpcNo;VPC number
      private String subnetNo;Subnet number
      private Long dataStorageSize;Data storage size
      private Integer cpuCount;Number of CPUs
      private Long memorySize;Memory size
      private Boolean isPublicSubnet;Public Subnet status
      private String cloudMssqlProductCode;Cloud DB for MSSQL product code
      private String privateDomain;Name of private domain
      private String publicDomain;Name of public domain
      private Date createDate;Creation date
      private Date uptime;VM booting completion time
      private CommonCode dataStorageType;Data storage type
      private Long usedDataStorageSize;Size of data storage in use
    • AccessControlGroupNoList type

      private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList = new ArrayList<>();List of ACG numbers


    Describes examples of recalls and responses.

    Recall examples

    The following are examples of recalls.

    ncloud vmssql createCloudMssqlInstance --regionCode KR --vpcNo ****83 --subnetNo ****91 --mirrorSubnetNo ****92 --cloudMssqlServiceName test-**** --configGroupNo **9 --cloudMssqlImageProductCode SW.VMSSL.OS.WND64.WINNT.SVR2016.MSSQL.15020005.SE.B100 --cloudMssqlProductCode SVR.VMSSL.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B100.G002 --dataStorageTypeCode SSD --isHa true --isMultiZone true --backupFileRetentionPeriod 10 --backupTime 00:15 --isAutomaticBackup true --cloudMssqlUserName test**** --cloudMssqlUserPassword ******** --cloudMssqlPort 1433 --characterSetName Korean_Wansung_CI_AS

    Response examples

    The following are examples of responses.

    If the response shows that format type (output) is json

    The following is when the response shows that format type (output) is json.

      "createCloudMssqlInstanceResponse": {
        "requestId": "c04bfdd1-e27e-4006-9bc3-bc37840ce1dd",
        "returnCode": 0,
        "returnMessage": "success",
        "totalRows": 1,
        "cloudMssqlInstanceList": [
            "cloudMssqlInstanceNo": "****890",
            "cloudMssqlServiceName": "test-****",
            "cloudMssqlInstanceStatusName": "creating",
            "cloudMssqlInstanceStatus": {
              "code": "INIT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State"
            "cloudMssqlInstanceOperation": {
              "code": "CREAT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP"
            "cloudMssqlImageProductCode": "SW.VMSSL.OS.WND64.WINNT.SVR2016.MSSQL.15020005.SE.B100",
            "isHa": true,
            "isMultiZone": true,
            "license": {
              "code": "GPL",
              "codeName": "General Public License"
            "cloudMssqlPort": 1433,
            "backupFileRetentionPeriod": 10,
            "backupTime": "00:15",
            "configGroupNo": "**9",
            "configGroupName": "test-****-config",
            "engineVersion": "MSSQL 15.0.2000.5 Standard Edition",
            "createDate": "2021-04-12T19:30:38+0900",
            "cloudMssqlServerInstanceList": [
                "cloudMssqlServerName": "test-****-001-e04",
                "cloudMssqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "M",
                  "codeName": "Principal"
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                "vpcNo": "****83",
                "subnetNo": "****91",
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 8589934592,
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "cloudMssqlProductCode": "SVR.VMSSL.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B100.G002",
                "createDate": "2021-05-27T19:00:00+0900",
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "cloudMssqlServerName": "test-****-001-e05",
                "cloudMssqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "H",
                  "codeName": "Mirror"
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "****83",
                "subnetNo": "****92",
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 8589934592,
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "cloudMssqlProductCode": "SVR.VMSSL.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B100.G002",
                "createDate": "2021-05-27T19:00:00+0900",
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"

    If the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is xml

    The following is when the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is xml:

                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP</codeName>
                    <codeName>General Public License</codeName>
                <engineVersion>MSSQL 15.0.2000.5 Standard Edition</engineVersion>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                        <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                        <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>

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