Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) overview
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    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) overview

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC


    This is a list of subcommands that can be executed in the vmysql command.


    Cloud DB for MySQL

    addCloudMysqlDatabaseListAdd a database to a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    addCloudMysqlUserListAdd a DB user to a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    changeCloudMysqlServerSpecChange the DB server specifications for a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    changeCloudMysqlUserListEdit DB user information for a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    createCloudMysqlInstanceCreate Cloud DB for MySQL instances
    createCloudMysqlRecoveryInstanceCreate a recovery server instance in a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    createCloudMysqlSlaveInstanceCreate a slave server instance in a Cloud DB for MySQL instance.
    deleteCloudMysqlDatabaseListDelete a database of a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    deleteCloudMysqlInstanceDelete Cloud DB for MySQL instances
    deleteCloudMysqlServerInstanceDelete Cloud DB for MySQL server instances
    deleteCloudMysqlUserListDelete DB user information for a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    exportBackupToObjectStorageSend Cloud DB for MySQL instance backup files to Object Storage
    exportDbServerLogToObjectStorageSend database server log files in a Cloud DB for MySQL instance to Object Storage
    getCloudMysqlBackupDetailListGet Cloud DB for MySQL instance backup details list
    getCloudMysqlBackupListGet Cloud DB for MySQL instance backup list
    getCloudMysqlDatabaseListGet the database list of a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    getCloudMysqlEventHistoryListGet the event history list of a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    getCloudMysqlImageProductListGet Cloud DB for MySQL product code list
    getCloudMysqlInstanceDetailGet Cloud DB for MySQL instance details
    getCloudMysqlInstanceListGet Cloud DB for MySQL instance list
    getCloudMysqlProductListGet the list of Cloud DB for MySQL server specification codes available for use
    getCloudMysqlRecoveryTimeGet a time available for Cloud DB for MySQL instance recovery
    getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetListGet a list of available subnets
    getCloudMysqlTargetVpcListGet a list of available VPCs
    getCloudMysqlUserListGet the DB user list for a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    getDbServerLogListGet the database server log list of a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    rebootCloudMysqlServerInstanceRestart Cloud DB for MySQL server instances

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