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    Available in VPC

    Create a Cloud DB for MySQL instance.


    The command statement is as follows.

    ncloud vmysql createCloudMysqlInstance [regionCode] [vpcNo] [cloudMysqlImageProductCode] [cloudMysqlProductCode] [dataStorageTypeCode] [isHa] [isMultiZone] [isStorageEncryption] [isBackup] [backupFileRetentionPeriod] [backupTime] [isAutomaticBackup] [cloudMysqlServiceName] [cloudMysqlServerNamePrefix] [cloudMysqlUserName] [cloudMysqlUserPassword] [hostIp] [cloudMysqlPort] [cloudMysqlDatabaseName] [subnetNo] [standbyMasterSubnetNo] [isPrivateSubDomain] [privateSubDomainPrefix] [engineVersionCode] [isDeleteProtection] [output]


    The following describes the parameters.

    regionCodeStringNRegion code where the Cloud DB for MySQL instance exists
    - It can be obtained through the getRegionList action
    - Default: It selects the first Region of the getRegionList search results
    vpcNoStringYVPC number
    - It can be obtained through the getCloudMysqlTargetVpcList action
    cloudMysqlImageProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MySQL image product code
    - It can be obtained through productCode of the getCloudMysqlImageProductList action
    - It will be created with the default value if no input is entered
    cloudMysqlProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MySQL product code
    - It can be obtained through productCode of the getCloudMysqlProductList action
    - Default: The minimum specification is selected, where the minimum specification is based on 1. memory and 2. CPU
    dataStorageTypeCodeStringNData storage type code
    - The data storage type can't be changed after installation
    - options
     - When the generationCode of cloudMysqlImageProductCode is G2: SSD | HDD
     - When the generationCode of cloudMysqlImageProductCode is G3: CB1
    - default
     - When the generationCode of cloudMysqlImageProductCode is G2: SSD
     - When the generationCode of cloudMysqlImageProductCode is G3: CB1
    isHaBooleanNHigh availability status
    - Selecting high availability creates two servers, including a standby master server, and incurs additional fees
    - If the high availability status (isHa) is false, then the isMultiZone and standbyMasterSubnetNo parameters are not used
    - Default: true
    isMultiZoneBooleanNMulti-zone status
    - If the high availability status (isHa) is true, then you can select whether to use multi-zone
    - Selecting multi-zone provides higher availability by creating master and standby master servers in different Zones
    - This field must be entered if the high availability status (isHa) is true
    - Default: false
    isStorageEncryptionBooleanNData storage encryption application status
    - When encryption is applied, the DB data is encrypted and saved in the storage. You can't change the storage encryption settings after creating a Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    - Encryption can be applied only if the high availability status (isHa) is true
    - Default: false
    isBackupBooleanNBackup status
    - If the high availability status (isHa) is true, then the backup status (isBackup) is fixed as true
    - Default: true
    backupFileRetentionPeriodIntegerNBackup file retention period
    - For backup, only the InnoDB engine is supported. Backup for tables created using any other engines is not supported
    - Backup is performed every day, and the backup file is stored in a separate backup storage. Fees are charged for the space you use
    - Default: 1 (1 day)
    backupTimeStringNBackup time
    - It sets the time the backup is performed. This field must be entered if the backup status (isBackup) is true and the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is false
    - 01:15
    isAutomaticBackupBooleanNAutomatic backup time status
    - Select whether to have the backup time set automatically. If the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is true, then backupTime can't be entered
    - Default: true
    cloudMysqlServiceNameStringYCloud DB for MySQL service name- Only English letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and Korean letters are allowed
    - Min: 3
    - Max: 30
    cloudMysqlServerNamePrefixStringYCloud DB for MySQL server name prefix
    - It is created by adding random text to avoid duplicated host names
    - It consists of only English lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
    - It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
    - Min: 3
    - Max: 20
    cloudMysqlUserNameStringYMySQL User ID- Only English letters, numbers, and special characters (\ _ , -) are allowed, and it must start with an English letter
    - Min: 4
    - Max: 16
    cloudMysqlUserPasswordStringYMySQL user password- It must have at least one English letter, one number, and a special character
    - Certain special characters (` & + \ “ ' /) or spaces are not allowed
    - Min: 8
    - Max: 20
    hostIpStringYMySQL User host
    - Allow access to all: %
    - Allow access to specific IPs:
    - Allow access to an IP range: 1.1.1.%
    cloudMysqlPortIntegerNTCP port number to access the Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    - Default: 3306
    - Min: 10000
    - Max: 20000
    cloudMysqlDatabaseNameStringYDB name to be created by default in the Cloud DB for MySQL instance- Only English letters, numbers, and special characters (\ _ , -) are allowed, and it must start with an English letter
    - Min: 1
    - Max: 30
    subnetNoStringYSubnet number
    - It can be obtained through the getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetList action
    - Subscription to public domains can only be done in a DB server created in public subnet
    - Subnet migrations are not available after creating the Cloud DB for MySQL instance
    standbyMasterSubnetNoStringNSubnet number of the standby master server
    - It the multi-zone status (isMultiZone) is false, then no input is taken, and it must be entered if the multi-zone status (isMultiZone) is true
    - standbyMasterSubnetNo should have a different Zone from the master server's subnet, and their public or private statuses must match
    - It can be obtained through the getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetList action
    isPrivateSubDomainBooleanNPrivate sub domain use status
    - If the private sub domain usage status (isPrivateSubDomain) is true, then you can specify the private sub domain prefix
    privateSubDomainPrefixStringNPrivate Sub Domain Prefix
    - A sub domain is added to the private domain
    - This field must be entered if the private sub domain usage status (isPrivateSubDomain) is true
    - It consists of only English lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
    - It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
    - Min: 3
    - Max: 15
    engineVersionCodeStringNEngine Version
    - It can be obtained through the getCloudMysqlImageProductList action
    - It is entered if generationCode of cloudMysqlImageProductCode is G3
    - If not entered, it is created with the latest version currently available
    isDeleteProtectionBooleanNCluster termination protection status
    - If true, the cluster can't be terminated
    - Default: false
    outputStringNFormat type of the response result
    - Options: xml | json
    - Default: json


    Response data type

    The response data types for command calls are as follows.

    • CloudMysqlInstanceList type
    CloudMysqlInstanceList extends CommonResponseDescription
    private Integer totalRows;Total number of lists searched
    private List<CloudMysqlInstance> cloudMysqlInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
    • CloudMysqlInstance type
    private String cloudMysqlInstanceNo;Cloud DB for MySQL instance number
    private String cloudMysqlServiceName;Cloud DB for MySQL service name
    private String cloudMysqlInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for MySQL instance status name
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for MySQL instance status code
    -INIT (init)
    -CREAT (created)
    -DEL (deleted)
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for MySQL instance operation code
    -CREAT (create)
    -DEL (delete)
    -FO (failover)
    -NULL (no)
    -SETUP (setup)
    -UPGD (upgrade)
    -DWGD (downgrade)
    -BKP (backup)
    private String cloudMysqlImageProductCode;Cloud DB for MySQL image product code
    private String engineVersion;Cloud DB for MySQL engine version
    private CommonCode license;Cloud DB for MySQL license
    private Integer cloudMysqlPort;Cloud DB for MySQL port
    private Boolean isHa;High availability status
    private Boolean isMultiZone;Multi-zone status
    private Boolean isBackup;Backup status
    private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;Backup file retention period
    private String backupTime;Backup time
    private String generationCode;Server generation code
    private Date createDate;Issuance date
    private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList;ACG number list
    private List<String> cloudMysqlConfigList;Cloud DB for MySQL config list
    private List<CloudMysqlServerInstance> cloudMysqlServerInstanceList;Cloud DB for MySQL server instance list
    • CloudMysqlServerInstance type
    private String cloudMysqlServerInstanceNo;Cloud DB for MySQL server instance number
    private String cloudMysqlServerName;Cloud DB for MySQL server name
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlServerRole;Cloud DB for MySQL server role
    private String cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for MySQL server instance status name
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for MySQL server instance status code
    -DEL (deleted)
    -PEND (pending)
    -RUN (running)
    -STOP (stopped)
    -FSTOP (failure stopped)
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlServerInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for MySQL server instance operation code
    -NOOP (no operation)
    -CREAT (create)
    -START (start)
    -RSTRT (restart)
    -SETUP (setup)
    -STOP (stop)
    -FO (failover)
    -DEL (delete)
    -UPGD (upgrade)
    -DWGD (downgrade)
    -RISTL (server reinstall)
    -MIG (migration)
    private String cloudMysqlProductCode;Cloud DB for MySQL product code
    private String regionCode;Region code
    private String zoneCode;Zone code
    private String vpcNo;VPC number
    private String subnetNo;Subnet number
    private Boolean isPublicSubnet;Public subnet status
    private String publicDomain;Public domain name
    private String privateDomain;Private domain name
    private String privateIp;Private IP
    private CommonCode dataStorageType;Data storage type
    private Boolean isStorageEncryption;Data storage encryption status
    private Long dataStorageSize;Data storage size
    private Long usedDataStorageSize;Size of data storage in use
    private Integer cpuCount;Number of virtual CPUs
    private Long memorySize;Memory size
    private Date uptime;VM booting completion time
    private Date createDate;Issuance date


    It describes call and response examples.

    Call examples

    The following is a call example.

    ncloud vmysql createCloudMysqlInstance --regionCode KR --vpcNo ****83 --cloudMysqlImageProductCode SW.VDBAS.DBAAS.LNX64.CNTOS.0708.MYSQL.8025.B050 --cloudMysqlProductCode SVR.VDBAS.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B050.G002 --dataStorageTypeCode SSD --isHa true --isMultiZone true --isStorageEncryption true --isBackup true --backupFileRetentionPeriod 10 --backupTime 02:00 --isAutomaticBackup false --cloudMysqlServiceName test-**** --cloudMysqlServerNamePrefix test-**** --cloudMysqlUserName test-**** --cloudMysqlUserPassword ******** --hostIp 192.168.0.% --cloudMysqlPort 13306 --cloudMysqlDatabaseName test-**** --subnetNo ****91 --standbyMasterSubnetNo ****93

    Response example

    The following is a sample response.

    When the response result format type (output) is JSON

      "createCloudMysqlInstanceResponse": {
        "requestId": "ae758cc2-006c-4df5-8ad2-aeef4ecfa8bf",
        "returnCode": "0",
        "returnMessage": "success",
        "totalRows": 1,
        "cloudMysqlInstanceList": [
            "cloudMysqlInstanceNo": "****890",
            "cloudMysqlServiceName": "test-****",
            "cloudMysqlInstanceStatusName": "creating",
            "cloudMysqlInstanceStatus": {
              "code": "INIT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State"
            "cloudMysqlInstanceOperation": {
              "code": "CREAT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP"
            "cloudMysqlImageProductCode": "SW.VDBAS.DBAAS.LNX64.CNTOS.0708.MYSQL.8025.B050",
            "engineVersion": "MYSQL8.0.25",
            "license": {
              "code": "GPL",
              "codeName": "General Public License"
            "cloudMysqlPort": 3306,
            "isHa": true,
            "isMultiZone": true,
            "isBackup": true,
            "backupFileRetentionPeriod": 10,
            "backupTime": "02:00",
            "generationCode": "G2",
            "createDate": "2021-05-27T18:00:00+0900",
            "accessControlGroupNoList": [],
            "cloudMysqlConfigList": [],
            "cloudMysqlServerInstanceList": [
                "cloudMysqlServerName": "test-****-001-e04",
                "cloudMysqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "M",
                  "codeName": "Master"
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudMysqlProductCode": "SVR.VDBAS.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                "vpcNo": "****83",
                "subnetNo": "****91",
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "isStorageEncryption": true,
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 8589934592,
                "createDate": "2021-05-27T18:00:00+0900"
                "cloudMysqlServerName": "test-****-002-e05",
                "cloudMysqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "H",
                  "codeName": "Standby Master"
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "PEND",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State"
                "cloudMysqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP"
                "cloudMysqlProductCode": "SVR.VDBAS.STAND.C002.M008.NET.HDD.B050.G002",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "****83",
                "subnetNo": "****93",
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "isStorageEncryption": true,
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 8589934592,
                "createDate": "2021-05-27T18:00:00+0900"

    When the response result format type (output) is XML

                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP</codeName>
                    <codeName>General Public License</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Standby Master</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>

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