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    Article Summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Create the VPC Peering instance through the Peering request.


    Request parameter

    Parameter NameRequired StatusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoStringRegion Code
    You can decide the region where a VPC Peering instance will be created.
    The regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList query results.
    vpcPeeringNameNoStringMin : 3, Max : 30
    Only lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters "-" are allowed and it must start with an alphabetic character.
    It must end with an alphabet letter or number.
    The name of the VPC Peering instance to be created
    Default: NAVER Cloud Platform automatically assigns it.
    sourceVpcNoYesStringThe VPC number that sends the request
    The sourceVpcNo can be obtained through the getVpcList action.
    targetVpcNoYesStringThe VPC number that receives the request
    targetVpcNo can be obtained through the getVpcList action in the account that receives the request.
    If the IPv4 CIDR blocks of the VPC sending the request and the VPC sending the request overlap, you can't connect with VPC Peering.
    targetVpcNameConditionalStringThe name of the VPC that receives the request
    If the account receiving the request is different from the account sending the request, then you have to enter the name of the VPC receiving the request.
    targetVpcLoginIdConditionalStringOwner ID of the VPC receiving the request
    If the account receiving the request is different from the account sending the request, then you have to enter the account that receives the request.
    It has to match the email format.
    vpcPeeringDescriptionNoStringMin : 0, Max : 1000 BytesThe description about the VPC Peering instance to be created
    responseFormatTypeNoStringFormat type for the response result
    Options : xml | json
    Default : xml


    Response data type

    • VpcPeeringInstanceList type
    VpcPeeringInstanceList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List vpcPeeringInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String vpcPeeringInstanceNo;
    private String vpcPeeringName;
    private String regionCode;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date lastModifyDate;
    private CommonCode vpcPeeringInstanceStatus;
    private String vpcPeeringInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode vpcPeeringInstanceOperation;
    private String sourceVpcNo;
    private String sourceVpcName;
    private String sourceVpcIpv4CidrBlock;
    private String sourceVpcLoginId;
    private String targetVpcNo;
    private String targetVpcName;
    private String targetVpcIpv4CidrBlock;
    private String targetVpcLoginId;
    private String vpcPeeringDescription;
    private Boolean hasReverseVpcPeering;
    private Boolean isBetweenAccounts;
    private String reverseVpcPeeringInstanceNo;


    Request example

    ncloud vpc createVpcPeeringInstance --regionCode KR --vpcPeeringName test-*** --sourceVpcNo ***05 --targetVpcNo ***06

    Response example

            <codeName>NULL OP</codeName>

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