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    Available in VPC

    Deleting Cloud DB for PostgreSQL Read Replica server instance


    The text of the command is as follows:

    ncloud vpostgresql deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance [regionCode] [cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo] [output]


    The following is a description on parameters.

    ParameterTypeRequirement statusDescriptionRestrictions
    regionCodeStringNRegion code
    - regionCode can be obtained via the getRegionList action
    - Default: selects the first region of the getRegionList search results
    cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNoStringYThe number of Cloud DB for PostgreSQL read replica server instance you wish to delete
    - Can delete read replica server only
    - You can obtain cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo through the getCloudPostgresqlInstanceList action
    outputStringNFormat type of the response result
    - options: xml | json
    - default: json


    Response data type

    • CloudPostgresqlInstanceList type
    CloudPostgresqlInstanceList extends CommonResponseDescription
    private Integer totalRows;Total number of items viewed
    private List<CloudPostgresqlInstance> cloudPostgresqlInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();Cloud DB for PostgreSQL instance list
    • CloudPostgresqlInstance type
    private String cloudPostgresqlInstanceNo;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL instance number
    private String cloudPostgresqlServiceName;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL service name
    private String cloudPostgresqlInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL instance status list
    - creating
    - deleted
    - deleting
    - downgrading
    - pending
    - recovering
    - reinstalling
    - restarting
    - running
    - settingup
    - shuttingdown
    - stopped
    - upgrading
    private CommonCode cloudPostgresqlInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL instance status code
    - INIT (initiate)
    - CREAT (created)
    - DEL (deleted)
    private CommonCode cloudPostgresqlInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL instance operation code
    - CREAT (create)
    - DEL (delete)
    - FO (failover)
    - NULL (no operation)
    - SETUP (setup)
    - UPGD (upgrade)
    - DWGD (downgrade)
    - BKP (backup)
    private String cloudPostgresqlImageProductCode;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL image product code
    private String engineVersion;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL engine version
    private String license;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL license
    private Integer cloudPostgresqlPort;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL port
    private Boolean isHa;High availability status
    private Boolean isMultiZone;Multi-zone (True/False)
    private Boolean isBackup;Backup (True/False)
    private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;Backup file storage period
    private String backupTime;Backup time
    private Date createDate;Creation date
    private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;List of ACG numbers
    private CloudPostgresqlConfigList cloudPostgresqlConfigList;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL config list
    private List<CloudPostgresqlServerInstance> cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceList;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server instance list
    • AccessControlGroupNoList type
    private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList = new ArrayList<>();List of ACG numbers
    • CloudPostgresqlConfigList type
    private List<String> cloudPostgresqlConfigList = new ArrayList<>();Cloud DB for PostgreSQL config list
    • CloudPostgresqlServerInstance type
    private String cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server instance number
    private String cloudPostgresqlServerName;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server name
    private CommonCode cloudPostgresqlServerRole;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server role
    private String cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatusName;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server instance status list
    - creating
    - deleted
    - deleting
    - downgrading
    - pending
    - recovering
    - reinstalling
    - restarting
    - running
    - settingup
    - shuttingdown
    - stopped
    - upgrading
    - downgrading
    private CommonCode cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatus;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server instance status code
    - DEL (deleted)
    - PEND (pending)
    - RUN (running)
    - STOP (stopped)
    - FSTOP (failure stopped)
    private CommonCode cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceOperation;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL server instance operation code
    - NOOP (no operation)
    - CREAT (create)
    - START (start)
    - RSTRT (restart)
    - SETUP (setup)
    - STOP (stop)
    - FO (failover)
    - DEL (delete)
    - UPGD (upgrade)
    - DWGD (downgrade)
    - RISTL (reinstall)
    private String cloudPostgresqlProductCode;Cloud DB for PostgreSQL product code
    private String regionCode;Region code
    private String zoneCode;Zone code
    private String vpcNo;VPC number
    private String subnetNo;Subnet number
    private Boolean isPublicSubnet;Public Subnet status
    private String publicDomain;Name of public domain
    private String privateDomain;Name of private domain
    private CommonCode dataStorageType;Data storage type
    private Boolean isStorageEncryption;Whether data storage encryption is applied
    private Long dataStorageSize;Data storage size
    private Long usedDataStorageSize;Size of data storage in use
    private Integer cpuCount;Number of CPUs
    private Long memorySize;Memory size
    private Date uptime;VM booting completion time
    private Date createDate;Creation date


    Describes examples of recalls and responses.

    Recall examples

    The following are examples of recalls.

    ncloud vpostgresql deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance --regionCode KR --cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo ****019

    Response examples

    The following are examples of responses.

    If the response shows that format type (output) is json

      "deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstanceResponse": {
        "requestId": "7a328127-6348-42e4-a2ff-9966568f479a",
        "returnCode": 0,
        "returnMessage": "success",
        "totalRows": 1,
        "cloudPostgresqlInstanceList": {
          "cloudPostgresqlInstance": {
            "cloudPostgresqlInstanceNo": "****925",
            "cloudPostgresqlServiceName": "test-****",
            "cloudPostgresqlInstanceStatusName": "running",
            "cloudPostgresqlInstanceStatus": {
              "code": "CREAT",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Created State"
            "cloudPostgresqlInstanceOperation": {
              "code": "NULL",
              "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Null OP"
            "cloudPostgresqlImageProductCode": "SW.VPGSL.OS.LNX64.CNTOS.0708.PGSQL.133.B050",
            "engineVersion": "PostgreSQL 13.3",
            "license": "PostgreSQL License",
            "cloudPostgresqlPort": 15432,
            "isHa": true,
            "isMultiZone": true,
            "isBackup": true,
            "backupFileRetentionPeriod": 10,
            "backupTime": "02:00",
            "createDate": "2021-08-30T18:00:00+0900",
            "accessControlGroupNoList": [
            "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceList": [
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo": "****926",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerName": "test-****-001-gcb",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "M",
                  "codeName": "Primary"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatusName": "running",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "RUN",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "NOOP",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Null OP"
                "cloudPostgresqlProductCode": "SVR.VPGSL.DBSVR.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                "vpcNo": "****87",
                "subnetNo": "****49",
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "privateDomain": "pg-****",
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "isStorageEncryption": true,
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "usedDataStorageSize": 4365672448,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 4294967296,
                "uptime": "2021-08-30T18:10:00+0900",
                "createDate": "2021-08-30T18:00:00+0900"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo": "****932",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerName": "test-****-002-gcc",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "H",
                  "codeName": "Secondary"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatusName": "running",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "RUN",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "NOOP",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Null OP"
                "cloudPostgresqlProductCode": "SVR.VPGSL.DBSVR.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "****87",
                "subnetNo": "****51",
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "privateDomain": "pg-****",
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "isStorageEncryption": true,
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "usedDataStorageSize": 4365434880,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 4294967296,
                "uptime": "2021-08-30T18:10:00+0900",
                "createDate": "2021-08-30T18:00:00+0900"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo": "****019",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerName": "test-****-003-gcd",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerRole": {
                  "code": "S",
                  "codeName": "Read Replica"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatusName": "deleting",
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "RUN",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State"
                "cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "DEL",
                  "codeName": "CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Delete OP"
                "cloudPostgresqlProductCode": "SVR.VPGSL.DBSVR.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
                "regionCode": "KR",
                "zoneCode": "KR-2",
                "vpcNo": "****87",
                "subnetNo": "****51",
                "isPublicSubnet": true,
                "privateDomain": "",
                "dataStorageType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "isStorageEncryption": true,
                "dataStorageSize": 10737418240,
                "usedDataStorageSize": 2217943040,
                "cpuCount": 2,
                "memorySize": 4294967296,
                "uptime": "2021-08-30T18:40:00+0900",
                "createDate": "2021-08-30T18:30:00+0900"

    If the response shows that format type (output) is xml

                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Created State</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Null OP</codeName>
                <engineVersion>PostgreSQL 13.3</engineVersion>
                <license>PostgreSQL License</license>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Null OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Null OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>Read Replica</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Running State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Delete OP</codeName>

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