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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    Adds the inbound rule list of the ACG.


    Request parameter

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Able to determine the region to which an inbound rule is to be added.
    regionCode is obtained via getRegionList
    Default: the first region from the getRegionList search results is selected.
    vpcNoYesString- VPC number
    Determines the VPC of the ACG to which an inbound rule is to be added.
    vpcNo is obtained via getVpcList
    accessControlGroupNoYesString- ACG number
    accessControlGroupNo is obtained via getAccessControlGroupList
    accessControlGroupRuleList.N.protocolTypeCodeYesString- Protocol type code of the ACG rule
    Protocol number is valid within 1-254.
    Options: TCP | UDP | ICMP | 1-254
    accessControlGroupRuleList.N.ipBlockConditionalString- Access the source IP address block of the ACG rule
    You can register either an IP address block or an ACG number as an access source.
    accessControlGroupRuleList.N.accessControlGroupSequenceConditionalString- Access the source ACG number of the ACG rule
    You can register either an IP address block or an ACG number as an access source.
    accessControlGroupNo is obtained via getAccessControlGroupList
    accessControlGroupRuleList.N.portRangeConditionalString- Port range of ACG rule
    E.g., 1. Single port: 22
    E.g., 2. Custom range: 1-65535
    No port range is required except for protocolTypeCode TCP(6), UDP(17)
    accessControlGroupRuleList.N.accessControlGroupRuleDescriptionNoStringMin: 0, Max: 1000 BytesACG rule description
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of response
    Options: xml | json
    Default: xml


    Response data type

    • AccessControlGroupRuleList type
    AccessControlGroupRuleList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List accessControlGroupRuleList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String accessControlGroupNo;
    private ProtocolType protocolType;
    private String ipBlock;
    private String accessControlGroupSequence;
    private String portRange;
    private CommonCode accessControlGroupRuleType;
    private String accessControlGroupRuleDescription;


    Request examples

    ncloud vserver addAccessControlGroupInboundRule --regionCode KR --vpcNo ***04 --accessControlGroupNo ***63 --accessControlGroupRuleList "protocolTypeCode='TCP', ipBlock='***.***.0.0/0', portRange='81'" "protocolTypeCode='TCP', ipBlock='***.***.0.0/0', portRange='82'"

    Response examples

    Inbound rule list of the ACG after the request is performed


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