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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    Create a network interface.


    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    You can decide the region in which the network interface will be created.
    You can obtain regionCode through the getRegionList action
    Default: select the first region of the getRegionList query results
    vpcNoYesString- VPC number
    Determines the VPC where the network interface will be created
    vpcNo can be obtained via the getVpcList action
    subnetNoYesString- Subnet number
    Determines the subnet where the network interface will be created
    subnetNo can be obtained via the getSubnetList action
    networkInterfaceNameNoStringMin : 3, Max : 30
    Only lowercase English letters, numbers, and "-" are allowed, and it must start with an English letter
    It must end with an English letter or number
    - The name of the network interface to be created
    Default: automatically granted by the NAVER Cloud Platform
    accessControlGroupNoList.NYesList<String>Min: 1, Max: 3- List of ACG numbers to be applied to a network interface
    Up to 3 ACGs can be applied
    accessControlGroupNo can be obtained via the getAccessControlGroupList action
    ex) --accessControlGroupNoList 1234 2345
    serverInstanceNoNoString- The instance number of server to which the network interface will be assigned
    It can only be assigned to a server when the network interface to be created is a network interface of a private subnet
    serverInstanceNo can be obtained via the getServerInstanceList action
    ipNoString- IP Address
    You can manually enter the IP address to assign to the network interface
    It must be within the IP address range of the subnet where the network interface will be created
    The 0–5th and last IP addresses of the subnet cannot be used, and duplicate IP addresses cannot be used in the subnet range
    Default: the IP addresses that satisfy the conditions are assigned sequentially
    isBareMetalNoBoolean- Whether the network interface is for bare metal servers
    If it is set to true, a network interface for bare metal is created, and in this case, it can be created when the server is specified. (serverInstanceNo parameter is required)
    If it is set to false, a general network interface is created
    In a general subnet, it is impossible to create a network interface for bare metal servers
    Default: create a general network interface
    secondaryIpList.NNoList<String>Min: 0, Max: 5- List of secondary IPs
    You can add private IPs that are included in the IP address range of the selected subnet as secondary IPs
    Up to 5 secondary IPs including the number of secondaryIpCount can be added
    IP addresses already in use in the selected subnet can't be used
    You can use the explicit reassignment function through the assignSecondaryIps action after creating a network interface
    ex) secondaryIpList.1=
    secondaryIpCountNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 5- Number of automatically assigned secondary IPs
    A specified number of secondary IPs can be assigned automatically
    Private IPs that are not being used in the selected subnet get assigned sequentially
    Up to 5 secondary IPs including the number of secondaryIpList can be added
    networkInterfaceDescriptionNoStringMin : 0, Max : 1000 BytesThe description of the network interface to be created


    Response data type

    • NetworkInterfaceList type
    NetworkInterfaceList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaceList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String networkInterfaceNo;
    private String networkInterfaceName;
    private String subnetNo;
    private Boolean deleteOnTermination;
    private Boolean isDefault;
    private String deviceName;
    private CommonCode networkInterfaceStatus;
    private CommonCode instanceType;
    private String instanceNo;
    private String ip;
    private String macAddress;
    private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;
    private String networkInterfaceDescription;
    private SecondaryIpList secondaryIpList;
    private List<String> secondaryIpList = new ArrayList<>();


    Request examples

    ncloud vserver createNetworkInterface --regionCode KR --vpcNo ***04 --subnetNo ***43 --networkInterfaceName test-*** --accessControlGroupNoList ***63 ***64 --serverInstanceNo ***4299 --ip ***.***.1.7 --secondaryIpList ***.***.1.8 --secondaryIpCount 1

    Response examples

            <codeName>used </codeName>
            <codeName>Server (VPC)</codeName>

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