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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    Creates server instances (VM).


    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Decides the Region in which the server instance will be created
    regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
    Default: select the first Region shown in the getRegionList search results
    memberServerImageInstanceNoConditionalString- Member server image instance number
    Entered when creating a server from a manually created server image
    Between the member server image instance number (memberServerImageInstanceNo) and the server image product code (serverImageProductCode), 1 must be entered
    memberServerImageInstanceNo can be obtained through the getMemberServerImageInstanceList action
    serverImageProductCodeConditionalString- Server image product code
    Entered when creating a server using a new server image
    Between the memberServerImageInstanceNo and serverImageProductCode, 1 must be entered
    serverImageProductCode can be obtained through the getServerImageProductList action
    serverImageNoConditionalString- Server image number
    Entered when creating a server using a new server image
    You cannot use it with the member server image instance number (memberServerImageInstanceNo) and the server image product code (serverImageProductCode) at the same time
    serverImageNo can be obtained through the getServerImageList action
    vpcNoYesString- VPC number
    Sets the VPC in which the server instance will be created
    vpcNo can be obtained through the getVpcList action
    subnetNoYesString- Subnet number
    Determines the subnet of default network interface in the server instance to be created
    subnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
    serverProductCodeNoString- Server product code
    Decides the specifications of the server to be created
    serverProductCode can be obtained through the getServerProductList action
    Default: selected as the minimum specifications
    The minimum specifications are determined in the following order:
    1. memory, 2. CPU, 3. default block storage size, and 4. disk type (NET)
    serverSpecCodeConditionalString- Server product code
    Decides the specifications of the server to be created
    serverProductCode can be obtained through the getServerProductList action
    serverProductCode and serverSpecCode cannot be used at the same time.
    Default: selects the minimum specifications. The minimum specifications are determined in the following order:
    1. memory, 2. CPU, 3. default block storage size, and 4. disk type (NET)
    isEncryptedBaseBlockStorageVolumeNoBoolean- Enable/disable base block storage volume encryption
    Base block storage encryption is available for RHV server image products
    Options : true | false
    Default : false
    feeSystemTypeCodeNoString- Pricing plan code
    Sets the pricing plan of the server to be created
    Options: MTRAT (hourly pricing plan/pay-as-you-go plan) | FXSUM (monthly pricing plan/flat sum plan)
    Default : MTRAT
    serverCreateCountNoIntegerMin: 1, Max: 10- Number of servers to be created
    Decides the number of servers to be created
    Default: 1
    serverCreateStartNoNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 999
    The sum of the number of servers to create and the server creation starting number can't exceed 1000
    - Server creation starting identifier number
    If the number of servers to create is greater than 1, a serial number is attached to the server name
    In such cases, the starting serial number can be set
    Default : 1
    serverNameNoStringMin : 3, Max : 30
    Only lowercase English letters, numbers, and "-" are allowed. It must start with a letter
    It must end with an English letter or number
    - Server name
    Default: automatically granted by the NAVER Cloud Platform
    networkInterfaceList.N.networkInterfaceOrderYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2- Network interface order
    Sets the order of network interfaces to be assigned to the server to be created
    Device names are assigned in the order specified (eth0, eth1, etc.)
    At least 1 primary network interface is required
    Enter 0 to set it as the default network interface
    Up to 3 network interfaces can be assigned
    networkInterfaceList.N.networkInterfaceNoConditionalString- Network interface number
    If you want to add a network interface that you have created yourself, enter the network interface number
    networkInterfaceNo can be obtained through the getNetworkInterfaceList action
    networkInterfaceList.N.subnetNoConditionalString- Subnet number of the network interface
    Determines the subnet of the new network interface to be created or the subnet of the existing network interface to be added
    If it is the default network interface, it is automatically assigned
    subnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
    networkInterfaceList.N.ipNoString- IP address of the network interface
    When creating a new network interface, the IP address to be assigned can be entered directly
    It must be within the IP address range of the subnet where the network interface will be created
    The 0 to 5th and last IP addresses of the subnet can't be used, and the duplicate IP address in the subnet range can't be used
    Default: the IP addresses that satisfy the conditions are assigned sequentially
    networkInterfaceList.N.accessControlGroupNoList.NConditionalList<String>- List of ACG numbers to be applied to a network interface
    Sets which ACG must be applied when creating a new network interface
    Up to 3 ACGs can be applied
    accessControlGroupNo can be obtained through the getAccessControlGroupList action
    placementGroupNoNoString- Physical placement group number
    Sets the physical placement group to which the server instance is assigned
    placementGroupNo can be obtained through the getPlacementGroupList action
    isProtectServerTerminationNoBoolean- Server termination protection status
    Enable/disable termination protection when creating a server to prevent accidental termination
    Options : true | false
    Default : false
    serverDescriptionNoStringMin : 0, Max : 1000 BytesDescription of the server to be created
    initScriptNoNoString- Initialization script number
    When the server boots for the first time, user-designated initialization script can be executed
    initScriptNo can be obtained through the getInitScriptList action
    loginKeyNameNoString- Login key name
    Sets key for encrypting/decrypting the password when connecting to a server instance
    loginKeyName can be obtained through the getLoginKeyList action
    Default: uses the name of the most recently created login key
    associateWithPublicIpNoBoolean- Whether a public IP is assigned when creating a server
    When you create a server, a new public IP can be created and assigned to the server
    Assignable only when the subnet type is public, and valid only when the number of servers created is 1
    The assignment will be completed normally when the server is in "Operating" status after server creation
    Since a fee is levied against a server while in possession of a public IP, terminating when not used is best
    Options : true | false
    Default : false
    raidTypeNameConditionalString- RAID type
    raidTypeName is required when creating a Bare Metal server
    raidTypeName can be obtained through the getRaidList action
    blockDevicePartitionList.N.mountPointNoStringEnter mount point path starting with "/" (root)
    First mount point must be a "/" (root) partition
    Only lowercase alphanumeric characters and numbers are allowed below "/" (root) for folder/file names, and names must begin with a lowercase letter
    Certain names such as /root, /bin, and /dev are prohibited depending on the OS type
    - Mount point
    Designates partitions when creating a Bare Metal server.
    Partitions may not be supported depending on the server specifications
    blockDevicePartitionList.N.partitionSizeNoStringMin : 50 GiB- Partition size
    Sets the partition size of the mount point
    The sum of partition sizes cannot exceed the total capacity of the server’s storage specifications
    The size of the last partition is automatically allocated according to the remaining capacity
    blockStorageMappingList.N.orderNoIntegerMin : 20 GiB- Order of created storages
    Choose the order of created storages.
    Available only for KVM.
    blockStorageMappingList.N.snapshotInstanceNoNoString- Created storage snapshot number
    When creating it from a snapshot.
    Available only for KVM.
    blockStorageMappingList.N.blockStorageSizeNoString- Created storage size
    Choose the created storage size.
    Available only for KVM.
    blockStorageMappingList.N.blockStorageNameNoString- Created storage name
    Choose the created storage name.
    Available only for KVM.
    blockStorageMappingList.N.blockStorageVolumeTypeCodeNoString- Created storage volume type code
    Choose the created storage volume type.
    Available only for KVM.
    blockStorageMappingList.N.encryptedNoString- Whether the created storage is encrypted
    Choose whether the created storage is encrypted.
    Available only for KVM.


    Response data type

    • ServerInstanceList type
    ServerInstanceList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List<ServerInstance> serverInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String serverInstanceNo;
    private String serverName;
    private String serverDescription;
    private Integer cpuCount;
    private Long memorySize;
    private CommonCode platformType;
    private String loginKeyName;
    private String publicIpInstanceNo;
    private String publicIp;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceOperation;
    private String serverInstanceStatusName;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date uptime;
    private String serverImageProductCode;
    private String serverProductCode;
    private Boolean isProtectServerTermination;
    private String zoneCode;
    private String regionCode;
    private String vpcNo;
    private String subnetNo;
    private NetworkInterfaceNoList networkInterfaceNoList;
    private String initScriptNo;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceType;
    private CommonCode baseBlockStorageDiskType;
    private CommonCode baseBlockStorageDiskDetailType;
    private String placementGroupNo;
    private String placementGroupName;
    private String memberServerImageInstanceNo;
    private List<BlockDevicePartition> blockDevicePartitionList;
    private String mountPoint;
    private String partitionSize;


    Request examples

    ncloud vserver createServerInstances --regionCode KR --serverImageProductCode SW.VSVR.OS.LNX64.CNTOS.0703.B050 --vpcNo ***04 --subnetNo ***43 --serverProductCode SVR.VSVR.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001 --feeSystemTypeCode MTRAT --serverCreateCount 1 --serverName test-*** --networkInterfaceList "networkInterfaceOrder='0', accessControlGroupNoList=['***63', '***64']" "networkInterfaceOrder='1', subnetNo='***43', accessControlGroupNoList=['***63', '***64']" --placementGroupNo ***61 --isProtectServerTermination false --initScriptNo ***44 --loginKeyName test-*** --associateWithPublicIp true

    Response examples

            <codeName>Linux 64 Bit</codeName>
            <codeName>Server init state</codeName>
            <codeName>Server NULL OP</codeName>
            <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>

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