

        기사 요약


        액티비티 로그 리스트 조회


        과거 6주 동안의 모든 scaling action 로그를 결과로 받습니다. 최근 로그부터 Descending으로 나열됩니다.
        또한 페이징이 가능하여 사용자가 각 페이지 사이즈(항목 수)와 페이지 번호를 지정할 수 있습니다.

        요청 파라미터

        파라미터 명필수 여부타입제약사항설명
        activityNoListNoList-스케일링 액션(activity) 식별 번호
        autoScalingGroupNameNoStringMin : 1, Max : 255조회하고자 하는 오토 스케일링 그룹명 입력
        pageNoNoIntegerMin:0, Max:2147483647리스트 조회 시 Pagination의 페이지 정보 입력
        기본 값 0으로 입력한 경우 모든 리스트 조회
        pageSizeNoIntegerMin:0, Max:2147483647리스트 조회시 Pagination의 보여질 정보의 개수 입력
        기본 값 0으로 입력한 경우 모든 목록 조회

        응답 데이터 타입

        • ActivityLogList 타입
        ActivityLogList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List activityLogList = new ArrayList();
        ActivityLog extends BaseObject
        private String activityNo;
        private String autoScalingGroupName;
        private CommonCode status;
        private String statusMessage;
        private String actionCause;
        private String description;
        private String details;
        private Date startTime;
        private Date endTime;



        ncloud autoscaling getAutoScalingActivityLogList --activityNoList 26019 26020 26021 --autoScalingGroupName soso02
        Plain text


          "getAutoScalingActivityLogListResponse": {
            "requestId": "bc6e7dc6-be77-4dcc-b88d-b06ac92bcc0c",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 2,
            "activityLogList": [
                "activityNo": "26019",
                "autoScalingGroupName": "soso02",
                "status": {
                  "code": "INPRG",
                  "codeName": "IN_PROGRESS"
                "statusMessage": "",
                "actionCause": "At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 4 to 0. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352653 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352658 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352663 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352668 was selected for termination.",
                "description": "Terminating server instance: #352663",
                "details": "{\"zoneNo\":\"2\"}",
                "startTime": "2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900"
                "activityNo": "26020",
                "autoScalingGroupName": "soso02",
                "status": {
                  "code": "INPRG",
                  "codeName": "IN_PROGRESS"
                "statusMessage": "",
                "actionCause": "At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 4 to 0. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352653 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352658 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352663 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352668 was selected for termination.",
                "description": "Terminating server instance: #352668",
                "details": "{\"zoneNo\":\"2\"}",
                "startTime": "2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900"
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <actionCause>At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 4 to 0. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352653 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352658 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352663 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352668 was selected for termination.</actionCause>
            <description>Terminating server instance: #352663</description>
            <actionCause>At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 4 to 0. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352653 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352658 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352663 was selected for termination. At 2017-12-19T11:33:03+0900 instance #352668 was selected for termination.</actionCause>
            <description>Terminating server instance: #352668</description>

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