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        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search a list of available Cloud DB for Redis config groups.


        Request parameters

        Parameter NameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoStringYou can determine the region where a region code's Cloud DB for Redis product code list will be searched. You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action. Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
        cloudRedisInstanceNoNoStringYou can obtain the Cloud DB for Redis instance number where the ConfigGroup to search is applied, cloudRedisInstanceNo, through the getCloudRedisInstanceList action.
        cloudRedisInstanceNameNoStringYou can obtain the Cloud DB for Redis instance name where the ConfigGroup to search is applied, cloudRedisInstanceName, through the getCloudRedisInstanceList action.
        configGroupNoNoStringYou can obtain the ConfigGroup number to search, configGroupNo, through the getCloudRedisConfigGroupList action.
        configGroupNameNoStringYou can obtain the ConfigGroup name to search, configGroupName, through the getCloudRedisConfigGroupList action.
        cloudRedisImageProductCodeNoStringCloud Redis Image Product Code corresponding to the version of ConfigGroup to query
        You can obtain the cloudRedisImageProductCode through the productCode of the getCloudRedisImageProductList action.
        cloudRedisModeCodeNoStringYou can obtain the Cloud DB for Redis's mode codes (CLUSTER and SIMPLE) where the ConfigGroup to search is applied, cloudRedisModeCode, through the getCloudRedisInstanceList action.
        outputNoStringRespond result's format type. Options: xml | json Default: json


        Response Data Type

        • CloudRedisConfigGroupList type
        CloudRedisConfigGroupList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<CloudRedisConfigGroup> cloudRedisConfigGroupList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String configGroupNo;
        private String configGroupName;
        private String configGroupDescription;
        private String configGroupStatusName;
        private CommonCode configGroupStatus;
        private String cloudRedisVersion;
        private Date createDate;
        private Date modifyDate;
        private CloudRedisInstanceNoList cloudRedisInstanceNoList;
        private List<String> cloudRedisInstanceNoList = new ArrayList<>();


        Examples of requests

        ncloud vredis getCloudRedisConfigGroupList --regionCode KR --cloudRedisInstanceNo ****821 --cloudRedisServiceName***test --configGroupNo ***9 --configGroupNametest-****-config --cloudRedisImageProductCode SW.VDBAS.VRDS.LNX64.CNTOS.0703.REDIS.4014.B050 --cloudRedisModeCode CLUSTER
        Plain text

        Examples of responses

                <codeName>CONFIG GROUP Running State</codeName>

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