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Create Launch Configuration
Launch Configuration is a template used for Auto Scaling to create Ncloud server instance and add it to a service.
The template contains every information for Auto Scaling in order to create a server instance.
Launch Configuration properties cannot be edited once it has been created.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Restrictions | Description |
launchConfigurationName | No | String | Min : 1, Max : 255 | Name of Launch Configuration It acts as an identifier. |
serverImageProductCode | Conditional | String | Min : 1, Max : 20 | Product code of SW(OS included) installed to a server image Either of memberServerImageNo or serverImageProductCode parameter shall be designated. However, both can be designated together. |
serverProductCode | No | String | Min : 1, Max : 20 | Server product code regarding server HW spec |
memberServerImageNo | Conditional | String | - | My server image number created by a user. Either of memberServerImageNo or serverImageProductCode parameter shall be assigned. However, both can be assigned together. |
accessControlGroupConfigurationNoList | No | List | Redundant | ACG configuration number Default ACG will be used if it is not assigned. |
loginKeyName | No | String | Min : 3, Max : 30 | Login key name The latest login key created by a user will be assigned if it is not specified. |
userData | NO | String | Min: 1 Max: 21847 | Only the BASE64-encoded character strings are allowed. When a server instance is booted for the first time, it decodes the BASE64-encoded character strings to run the script file that only contains plaintext character strings. When you pass in both userData and InitializationScriptNo parameters together, the generation error will be processed. |
initScriptNo | No | String | The server runs the initialization script that you set at first boot. Passes the initialization script number of the initialization script as a parameter. When you pass in both userData and initScriptNo parameters together, the generation error will be processed. The getInitScriptList action will help you get the initScriptNo. | |
regionNo | No | String | You can reach a state in which input is possible by calling getRegionList. |
Response Data type
- LaunchConfigurationList Type
LaunchConfigurationList extends CommonResponse |
private Integer totalRows; |
private List |
LaunchConfiguration extends BaseObject |
private String launchConfigurationName; |
private String serverImageProductCode; |
private String serverProductCode; |
private String memberServerImageNo; |
private String loginKeyName; |
private Date createDate; |
private String userData; |
private String initScriptNo; |
private List |
AccessControlGroup extends BaseObject |
private String accessControlGroupConfigurationNo; |
private String accessControlGroupName; |
private String accessControlGroupDescription; |
private boolean isDefault; |
private Date createDate; |
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