

        Article summary


        Get Auto Scaling Policy List


        Receive detailed descriptions regarding Auto Scaling policies in the form of a list.

        Request Parameters

        policyNameListNoListMin : 1, Max : 255A list of policy names (identifiers).
        If not specified, all the policy information the user has is received.
        autoScalingGroupNameNoStringMin : 1, Max : 255Enter the name of the auto-scaling group you want to view.
        pageNoNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Enter the page information of the Pagination in the list view.
        If you enter a default value of 0, all lists are displayed.
        pageSizeNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Enter the number of pieces of information to be displayed in the Pagination in the list view.
        If you enter a default value of 0, all lists are queried.

        Response Data type

        • ScalingPolicyList Type
        ScalingPolicyList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List scalingPolicyList = new ArrayList();
        ScalingPolicy extends BaseObject
        private String policyName;
        private String autoScalingGroupName;
        private CommonCode adjustmentType;
        private Integer scalingAdjustment;
        private Integer cooldown;
        private Integer minAdjustmentStep;



        ncloud autoscaling getAutoScalingPolicyList --policyNameList test-autoscaling-policy
        Plain text


          "getAutoScalingPolicyListResponse": {
            "requestId": "17f3d224-a06c-4159-a46d-b5c1b138750e",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 1,
            "scalingPolicyList": [
                "policyName": "test-autoscaling-policy",
                "autoScalingGroupName": "soso02",
                "adjustmentType": {
                  "code": "EXACT",
                  "codeName": "ExactCapacity"
                "scalingAdjustment": 22
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

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