

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        Create a Cloud DB for Redis instance.


        Request parameters

        Parameter nameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString- Region code
        You can determine the Region in which the Cloud DB for Redis instance will be created
        regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
        Default: Select the first Region of the getRegionList search results
        vpcNoYesString- VPC number
        Determine the VPC in which the Cloud DB for Redis instance will be created
        vpcNo can be obtained through the getCloudRedisTargetVpcList action
        cloudRedisImageProductCodeNoString- Cloud Redis image product code
        cloudRedisImageProductCode can be obtained through productCode of the getCloudRedisImageProductList action
        It will be created with the default value if no input is entered
        cloudRedisProductCodeNoString- Cloud Redis product code
        Determine the server specifications of the Cloud DB for Redis instance to create
        cloudRedisProductCode can be obtained through productCode of the getCloudRedisProductList action
        Default: It is selected as the minimum specifications, where the minimum specification is based on 1. memory and 2. CPU
        shardCountNoIntegerMin:3, Max: 10- Number of shards
        Number of shards to create
        The minimum number of shards is 3, and the maximum is 10
        Number of master nodes
        Enter only when CloudRedisModeCode is CLUSTER
        When CloudRedisModeCode is SIMPLE, it is ignored even if shardCount is entered
        Default: 3
        shardCopyCountNoIntegerMin: 0, Max: 4- Replicas per shard
        Redis Cluster consists of the master node and slave node
        A slave node is necessary for HA
        When adding a replica, one slave node is assigned to each master node
        e.g., 3 shards, 1 replica per shard -> Master node: 3, Slave node: 3
        You can enter 0 to 4 replica(s) for each shard
        If the number of replicas per shard is set to 0, then high availability can't be supported
        Enter only when CloudRedisModeCode is CLUSTER
        When CloudRedisModeCode is SIMPLE, it is ignored even if shardCopyCount is entered
        Default: 0
        isHaNoBoolean- High availability status
        The Cloud DB for Redis product supports automatic failure recovery by using standby master
        When high availability is supported, additional charges are incurred and backup is automatically set
        Default: false
        configGroupNoYesString- Config group number
        Config groups are provided, and one cluster group uses the same config
        A new config group must be created if none exists. It can be changed online after creation
        isBackupNoBoolean- Backup status
        If the high availability status (isHa) is True, then the backup setting status is fixed as True
        Default: false
        backupFileRetentionPeriodNoIntegerMin: 1, Max: 7- Backup file retention period
        Backups are performed every day, and backup files are saved in a separate backup storage. Fees are charged for the space you use
        Default: 1 (1 day)
        backupTimeConditionalString- Backup time
        Set the time for when the backup is performed
        This field must be entered if the backup status (isBackup) is True and the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is false
        isAutomaticBackupNoBoolean- Automatic backup time status
        Select whether to have the backup time set automatically. If the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is True, then any backupTime entered is ignored and the backup time is set automatically
        cloudRedisServiceNameYesStringOnly Korean and English letters, numbers, and the special character - can be entered
        Min: 3, Max: 15
        - Cloud Redis service name
        Enter the group name of the Redis server (e.g., NAVER-HOME)
        You can enter 3 to 15 characters
        Duplicate Redis service names can't be used
        cloudRedisServerNamePrefixYesStringIt must only contain English letters (lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-)
        It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
        Min: 3, Max: 15
        - Cloud Redis server name
        Enter the prefix for the name of the Redis server
        You can enter 3 to 15 characters
        The Redis server name is created with a 3-digit number, which is automatically added Duplicate Redis server names can't be used
        Min: 10000, Max: 20000
        - Cloud Redis port
        Enter the TCP port number for Redis access
        Default: 6379
        subnetNoYesString- Subnet number
        Determine the subnet of the cloud Redis instance to be created
        subnetNo can be obtained through the getCloudRedisTargetSubnetList action
        Subscription to public domains can only be done in a DB server created in public subnet
        Subnet migrations are not available after creating the Cloud DB for Redis instance
        engineVersionCodeNoString- Engine Version
        getCloudRedisImageProductList can be obtained through the getCloudRedisImageProductList action
        Enter only if generationCode of cloudRedisImageProductCode is G3
        If not entered, it is created with the latest version currently available
        cloudRedisModeCodeYesString- Cloud DB for Redis configurations
        Determine the configuration of Cloud DB for Redis
        It ignores the isHa settings if the CLUSTER setting is used
        Options: CLUSTER, SIMPLE
        outputNoString- Format type of the response result
        Options: xml | json
        Default: json


        Response data type

        • CloudRedisInstanceList type
        CloudRedisInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<CloudRedisInstance> cloudRedisInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String cloudRedisInstanceNo;
        private String cloudRedisServiceName;
        private String cloudRedisInstanceStatusName;
        private CommonCode cloudRedisInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode cloudRedisInstanceOperation;
        private String cloudRedisImageProductCode;
        private String engineVersion;
        private CommonCode licence;
        private Integer cloudRedisPort;
        private Boolean isHa;
        private String cloudRedisServerPrefix;
        private Boolean isBackup;
        private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;
        private String backupTime;
        private String backupSchedule;
        private String generationCode;
        private Date createDate;
        private Integer shardCount;
        private Integer shardCopyCount;
        private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;
        private String configGroupNo;
        private String configGroupName;
        private CommonCode role;
        private List<CloudRedisInstance> cloudRedisServerInstanceList;
        private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String cloudRedisServerInstanceNo;
        private String cloudRedisServerName;
        private CommonCode cloudRedisServerRole;
        private String cloudRedisServerInstanceStatusName;
        private CommonCode cloudRedisServerInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode cloudRedisServerInstanceOperation;
        private String cloudRedisProductCode;
        private String regionCode;
        private String zoneCode;
        private String vpcNo;
        private String subnetNo;
        private String privateDomain;
        private Integer cpuCount;
        private Long memorySize;
        private Long osMemorySize;
        private Date uptime;
        private Date createDate;
        private String slotName;



        ncloud vredis createCloudRedisInstance --regionCode KR --vpcNo ****83 --cloudRedisImageProductCode SW.VDBAS.VRDS.LNX64.CNTOS.0703.REDIS.4014.B050 --cloudRedisProductCode SVR.VRDS.STAND.C004.M001.NET.SSD.B050.G002 --shardCount 3 --shardCopyCount 1 --isHa true --configGroupNo **9 --isBackup true --backupFileRetentionPeriod 7 --backupTime 00:15 --isAutomaticBackup true --cloudRedisServiceName test-**** --cloudRedisServerNamePrefix test-**** --cloudRedisPort 6379 --subnetNo ****91 --cloudRedisModeCode CLUSTER
        Plain text


                        <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State</codeName>
                        <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP</codeName>
                    <engineVersion>REDIS 4.0.14</engineVersion>
                        <codeName>Berkeley Software Distribution</codeName>
                        <codeName>CLOUD REDIS(VPC) Cluster Role</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                                <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>

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