

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        Searches the list of subnets.


        Request parameters

        Parameter NameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString- Region code
        You can decide the region to get the subnet list from
        Region code can be obtained through the getRegionList action
        Default: selects the first region of the getRegionList search results
        subnetNoList.NNoList<String>- List of the subnet numbers
        You can search by filtering with a subnet number
        Subnet No. can be obtained through the getSubnetList action
        ex) --subnetNoList 1234 2345
        subnetNameNoString- Subnet name
        You can search by filtering with a subnet name
        subnetNoString- Subnet IP address range
        You can search by filtering with a subnet IP address range
        ex) --subnet
        subnetTypeCodeNoString- Subnet type code
        You can search by filtering with a subnet type code
        Options: PUBLIC
        usageTypeCodeNoString- Purpose type code
        You can search by filtering with a purpose type code
        Options: GEN (general)
        networkAclNoNoString- Network ACL number
        You can search by filtering with Network ACL number applied to the subnet
        networkAcl No. can be obtained through the getNetworkAclList action
        pageNoNoInteger- Page number of the paged results
        The results can be paged using page No. and page size
        pageSizeConditionalInteger- Size of each page to be displayed when paging
        The results can be paged using page No. and page size
        Entering the information is when page No. is entered
        subnetStatusCodeNoString- Subnet status code
        You can search by filtering with a subnet status code
        Options: INIT
        vpcNoNoString-VPC No.
        You can search by filtering with a VPC number
        VPC No. can be obtained through the getVpcList action
        zoneCodeNoString- Zone code
        You can decide the zone to get the subnet list from
        Zone code can be obtained through the getZoneList action
        responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
        Options: xml | json
        Default: xml


        Response data type

        • Subnet list type
        SubnetList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List subnetList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String subnetNo;
        private String vpcNo;
        private String zoneCode;
        private String subnetName;
        private String subnet;
        private CommonCode subnetStatus;
        private Date createDate;
        private CommonCode subnetType;
        private CommonCode usageType;
        private String networkAclNo;


        Request examples

        ncloud vpc getSubnetList --regionCode KR --subnetNoList ***43 --subnetName test-*** --subnet ***.***.1.0 --subnetTypeCode PUBLIC --usageTypeCode GEN --networkAclNo ***31 --subnetStatusCode RUN --vpcNo ***04 --zoneCode KR-1
        Plain text

        Response examples


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