

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Changes the snapshot configuration for the NAS volume instance.


        Request parameter

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString- Region code
        Decides the region of the NAS volume instance whose snapshot configuration will be changed.
        regionCode: It can be obtained through the getRegionList action.
        Default: Selects the first region of the getRegionList search results.
        nasVolumeInstanceNoYesString- Instance number of NAS volume where the snapshot configuration will be modified
        nasVolumeInstanceNo: It can be obtained through the getNasVolumeInstanceList action.
        snapshotVolumeConfigurationRatioYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 99 (%)- Snapshot volume configuration ratio
        Snapshots use the NAS volume capacity requested, and can be created within the ratio you set.
        Snapshots are deleted, oldest first, if the set snapshot capacity is exceeded.
        Setting the ratio to 0 will disable the snapshot configuration.
        snapshotVolumeConfigDayOfWeekTypeCodeNoString- Automatic snapshot creation cycle day code
        The day of the week can be set if you set up automatic snapshot creation.
        It's only valid when the snapshot volume configuration ratio is not 0.
        Up to 7 snapshots for automatic creation cycle mode and unlimited snapshots for instant creation mode can be stored, within the snapshot capacity limit set.

        - Options :
        -1 (every day)
        0 (Sunday)
        1 (Monday)
        2 (Tuesday)
        3 (Wednesday)
        4 (Thursday)
        5 (Friday)
        6 (Saturday)
        snapshotVolumeConfigTimeConditionalIntegerMin: 0, Max: 23 (hours)- Automatic snapshot creation cycle time
        Time must be set if you configure automatic snapshot creation.


        Response data type

        • NasVolumeInstanceList type
        NasVolumeInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List nasVolumeInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String nasVolumeInstanceNo;
        private CommonCode nasVolumeInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode nasVolumeInstanceOperation;
        private String nasVolumeInstanceStatusName;
        private Date createDate;
        private String nasVolumeDescription;
        private String mountInformation;
        private CommonCode volumeAllotmentProtocolType;
        private String volumeName;
        private Long volumeTotalSize;
        private Long volumeSize;
        private Float snapshotVolumeConfigurationRatio;
        private CommonCode snapshotVolumeConfigPeriodType;
        private CommonCode snapshotVolumeConfigDayOfWeekType;
        private Integer snapshotVolumeConfigTime;
        private Long snapshotVolumeSize;
        private Boolean isSnapshotConfiguration;
        private Boolean isEventConfiguration;
        private String regionCode;
        private String zoneCode;
        private ServerInstanceNoList nasVolumeServerInstanceNoList;
        private Boolean isEncryptedVolume;
        private List<NasVolumeInstanceCustomIp> nasVolumeInstanceCustomIpList;
        private Boolean isReturnProtection;
        private String customIp;


        Request examples

        ncloud vnas changeNasVolumeSnapshotConfiguration --regionCode KR --nasVolumeInstanceNo ***3901 --snapshotVolumeConfigurationRatio 10 --snapshotVolumeConfigDayOfWeekTypeCode "-1" --snapshotVolumeConfigTime 1
        Plain text

        Response examples

                <codeName>NAS create</codeName>
                <codeName>NAS NULL OP</codeName>

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