

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search a list of Cloud DB for Redis backups.


        Request parameters

        Parameter NameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoStringYou can determine the region where a region code's Cloud DB for Redis backup list will be searched. You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action. Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
        outputNoStringRespond result's format type. Options: xml | json
        Default: json


        Response Data Type

        • CloudRedisBackupList type
        CloudRedisBackupList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<CloudRedisBackup> cloudRedisInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String cloudRedisInstanceNo;
        private String cloudRedisServiceName;
        private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;
        private String backupTime;
        private Long backupSize;
        private Date lastBackupDate;
        private CommonCode backupType;
        private Integer shardCount;


        Examples of requests

        ncloud vredis getCloudRedisBackupList --regionCode KR
        Plain text

        Examples of responses

                        <codeName>CLOUD REDIS(VPC) Cluster Backup Type</codeName>

        Was this article helpful?

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