

        Article summary


        Searching a block storage instance list


        Search a block storage instance list.

        Request Parameters

        Parameter NameRequirednessTypeLimitationDescription
        serverInstanceNoNoStringIt is used to search a block storage attached to server instance.
        blockStorageInstanceNoListNoListSearch a block storage matching to the block storage instance No. list.
        searchFilterNameNoStringBlock storage name (blockStorageName) | Attachment information (attachmentInformation) [Do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase.]
        You should enter attachment information in the following manner: Block storage name [Blank] attachment information, or Block storage name:attachement information.
        searchFilterValueNoStringValue to search
        blockStorageTypeCodeListNoStringMin : 1, Max : 5You can search a block storage which is in the block storage code list only.
        Basic block storage (BASIC) | Additional block storage (SVRBS)
        Default : asic block storage (BASIC), Additional block storage (SVRBS)
        blockStorageInstanceStatusCodeNoStringMin : 1, Max : 5You can search each state of block storage instances.
        To know the state in which input is possible, refer to blockStorageInstanceStatus values of the block storage instance data type (BlockStorageInstance).
        diskTypeCodeNoStringDisk type code
        Network storage (NET) | Local storage (LOCAL)
        diskDetailTypeCodeNoStringDetailed code of disk type
        Hard disk(HDD) | SSD(SSD)
        regionNoNoStringYou can reach a state in which input is possible by calling getRegionList.
        zoneNoNoStringYou can get BlockStorage instnace if you configure filters of Zone No.
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.
        pageNoNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Page No. for each page size when there are multiple cases
        pageSizeNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Page size for one search page
        sortedByNoStringYou can set sorting columns for list results.
        Block storage name (blockStorageName) | Block storage instance No.(blockStorageInstanceNo) [Do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase.]
        Default : Block storage instance No.(blockStorageInstanceNo)
        sortingOrderNoStringYou can set ordering for list results in ascending or descending order.
        ascending | descending [Do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase.]
        Default : ascending

        Response Data Type

        • BlockStorageInstanceList type
        BlockStorageInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List blockStorageInstanceList = new ArrayList();
        private String blockStorageInstanceNo;
        private String serverInstanceNo;
        private String serverName;
        private CommonCode blockStorageType;
        private String blockStorageName;
        private Long blockStorageSize;
        private String deviceName;
        private String blockStorageProductCode;
        private CommonCode blockStorageInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode blockStorageInstanceOperation;
        private String blockStorageInstanceStatusName;
        private Date createDate;
        private String blockStorageInstanceDescription;
        private CommonCode diskTypeCode;
        private CommonCode diskType;
        private CommonCode diskDetailType;
        private Integer maxIopsThroughput;
        private Region region;
        private Zone zone;



        ncloud server getBlockStorageInstanceList --diskTypeCode NET --diskDetailTypeCode SSD --blockStorageTypeCodeList BASIC --pageSize 2 --pageNo 1
        Plain text


          "getBlockStorageInstanceListResponse": {
            "requestId": "28e08ca2-a988-4856-800f-daff05999ff1",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 56,
            "blockStorageInstanceList": [
                "blockStorageInstanceNo": "324388",
                "serverInstanceNo": "324387",
                "serverName": "eco-test-2",
                "blockStorageType": {
                  "code": "BASIC",
                  "codeName": "Basic BS"
                "blockStorageName": "eco-test-2",
                "blockStorageSize": 53687091200,
                "deviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                "blockStorageProductCode": "SPBSTBSTBS000005",
                "blockStorageInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "ATTAC",
                  "codeName": "Block storage ATTACHED state"
                "blockStorageInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "TERMT",
                  "codeName": "Block Storage TERMINATE OP"
                "blockStorageInstanceStatusName": "terminating",
                "createDate": "2017-05-19T11:04:03+0900",
                "blockStorageInstanceDescription": "compact-ssd\u0027s basic storage",
                "diskType": {
                  "code": "NET",
                  "codeName": "Network Storage"
                "diskDetailType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "zone": {
                  "zoneNo": "2",
                  "zoneName": "KR-1",
                  "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                  "zoneDescription": "KR-1 zone",
                  "regionNo": "1"
                "blockStorageInstanceNo": "342436",
                "serverInstanceNo": "342435",
                "serverName": "x0811",
                "blockStorageType": {
                  "code": "BASIC",
                  "codeName": "Basic BS"
                "blockStorageName": "x0811",
                "blockStorageSize": 53687091200,
                "deviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                "blockStorageProductCode": "SPBSTBSTBS000005",
                "blockStorageInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "ATTAC",
                  "codeName": "Block storage ATTACHED state"
                "blockStorageInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "NULL",
                  "codeName": "Block Storage NULL OP"
                "blockStorageInstanceStatusName": "attached",
                "createDate": "2017-08-11T15:44:28+0900",
                "blockStorageInstanceDescription": "x0811\u0027s basic storage",
                "diskType": {
                  "code": "NET",
                  "codeName": "Network Storage"
                "diskDetailType": {
                  "code": "SSD",
                  "codeName": "SSD"
                "maxIopsThroughput": 4000,
                "zone": {
                  "zoneNo": "2",
                  "zoneName": "KR-1",
                  "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                  "zoneDescription": "KR-1 zone",
                  "regionNo": "1"
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
              <codeName>Basic BS</codeName>
              <codeName>Block storage ATTACHED state</codeName>
              <codeName>Block Storage TERMINATE OP</codeName>
            <blockStorageInstanceDescription>compact-ssd&#x27;s basic storage</blockStorageInstanceDescription>
              <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>
              <zoneDescription>KR-1 zone</zoneDescription>
              <codeName>Basic BS</codeName>
              <codeName>Block storage ATTACHED state</codeName>
              <codeName>Block Storage NULL OP</codeName>
            <blockStorageInstanceDescription>x0811&#x27;s basic storage</blockStorageInstanceDescription>
              <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>
              <zoneDescription>KR-1 zone</zoneDescription>

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