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    Article summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Adds rules to the inbound rule list of the network ACL.


    Request parameter

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Decides the region of the network ACL where the inbound rules will be added.
    regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Selects the first region of the getRegionList search results.
    networkAclNoYesString- Network ACL number
    networkAclNo can be obtained through the getNetworkAclList action.
    networkAclRuleList.N.priorityYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 199- Priority of network ACL rules
    It can't overlap with the priority of other inbound rules.
    networkAclRuleList.N.protocolTypeCodeYesString- The protocol type code of network ACL rule
    Options : TCP | UDP | ICMP
    networkAclRuleList.N.ipBlockConditionalString- The access source IP address block of network ACL rules
    networkAclRuleList.N.denyAllowGroupNoConditionalString- The Deny-Allow group number of network ACL rules' access source
    Designates Deny-Allow groups instead of IP address blocks as the access source.
    denyAllowGroupNo can be obtained through the getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList action.
    networkAclRuleList.N.portRangeConditionalString- The port range of network ACL rules
    Example 1. Single port: 22
    Example 2. Specifying range: 1-65535
    Do not enter when protocolTypeCode is ICMP.
    networkAclRuleList.N.ruleActionCodeYesString- The rule action code of network ACL rules
    Options : ALLOW | DROP
    networkAclRuleList.N.networkAclRuleDescriptionNoStringMin : 0, Max : 1000 BytesNetwork ACL rule description
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
    Options : xml | json
    Default : xml


    Response data type

    • NetworkAclRuleList type
    NetworkAclRuleList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List networkAclRuleList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String networkAclNo;
    private Integer priority;
    private CommonCode protocolType;
    private String portRange;
    private CommonCode ruleAction;
    private Date createDate;
    private String ipBlock;
    private String denyAllowGroupNo;
    private CommonCode networkAclRuleType;
    private String networkAclRuleDescription;


    Request examples

    ncloud vpc addNetworkAclInboundRule --regionCode KR --networkAclNo ***31 --networkAclRuleList "priority='0', protocolTypeCode='TCP', ipBlock='***.***.0.0/0', portRange='22-23', ruleActionCode='ALLOW'" "priority='1', protocolTypeCode='TCP', ipBlock='***.***.0.0/0', portRange='24-25', ruleActionCode='ALLOW'"

    Response examples

    The inbound rule list of the network ACL after completing the request


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