

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search list of load balancer instances.


        Request Parameters

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoStringRegion code
        - You can decide the region where the list of load balancer instances will be searched.
        - You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action.
        - Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
        vpcNoNoStringVPC number
        - You can search by filtering with an VPC number.
        - You can obtain the vpcNo through the getVpcList action.
        loadBalancerTypeCodeNoStringLoad balancer type code
        - You can search by filtering with a load balancer type.
        loadBalancerNetworkTypeCodeNoStringLoad balancer network type code
        - You can search by filtering with a load balancer network type.
        - Options : PUBLIC | PRIVATE
        loadBalancerInstanceNoList.NNoList<String>List of load balancer instance numbers
        - You can search by filtering with a load balancer instance number.
        - You can obtain the loadBalancerInstanceNo through the getLoadBalancerInstanceList action.
        - ex) loadBalancerInstanceNoList.1=1234&loadBalancerInstanceNoList.2=2345
        pageNoNoIntegerPage number of the paged results
        - The results can be paged using pageNo and pageSize.
        pageSizeConditionalIntegerEach page size to be displayed when paging
        - The results can be paged using pageNo and pageSize.
        - You must enter it when entering pageNo.
        sortList.N.sortedByNoStringSorted by
        You can sort the results by the load balancer name.
        - Options : loadBalancerName
        - ex) sortList.1.sortedBy=loadBalancerName
        sortList.N.sortingOrderNoStringSorting order
        - When using sortedBy, sort in ascending/descending order.
        - Options: ASC (ascending order) | DESC (descending order)
        - Default : ASC
        - ex) sortList.1.sortingOrder=DESC
        responseFormatTypeNoStringFormat type of the response results
        - Options : xml | json
        - Default : xml


        Response data type

        • LoadBalancerInstanceList type
        LoadBalancerInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List loadBalancerInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String loadBalancerInstanceNo;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerInstanceOperation;
        private String loadBalancerInstanceStatusName;
        private String loadBalancerDescription;
        private Date createDate;
        private String loadBalancerName;
        private String loadBalancerDomain;
        private LoadBalancerIpList loadBalancerIpList;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerType;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerNetworkType;
        private CommonCode throughputType;
        private Integer idleTimeout;
        private String vpcNo;
        private String regionCode;
        private SubnetNoList subnetNoList;
        private List<LoadBalancerSubnet> loadBalancerSubnetList;
        private LoadBalancerListenerNoList loadBalancerListenerNoList;
        private List loadBalancerIpList = new ArrayList<>();
        private List subnetNoList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String zoneCode;
        private String subnetNo;
        private String publicIpInstanceNo;
        private List loadBalancerListenerNoList = new ArrayList<>();


        Request example

        ncloud vloadbalancer getLoadBalancerInstanceList --regionCode KR --vpcNo ***04 --loadBalancerTypeCode APPLICATION --loadBalancerNetworkTypeCode PRIVATE --loadBalancerInstanceNoList ***887
        Plain text

        Response example

                <codeName>LB USED state</codeName>
                <codeName>LB NULL OP</codeName>
                <codeName>Application Load Balancer</codeName>

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