

        Article summary


        Get list of Launch Configurations


        Receive descriptions regarding Launch Configurations in the form of a list.
        If the name of Launch Configuration is not assigned, receive the descriptions of every existing Launch Configuration.
        If the name is specified, receive the descriptions of the assigned one only.
        The list can also be divided into pages. A user can assign each page size(item number) and page number.

        Request Parameters

        launchConfigurationNameListNoListMin : 1, Max : 255Enter the name of the launch configuration to be displayed as a list.
        If you do not enter a launch setup name, you will see all the lists created in your account.
        If you enter the list of launch configuration names, only the list corresponding to the requested auto scaling is displayed.
        pageNoNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Enter the page information of the Pagination in the list view.
        If you enter a default value of 0, all lists are displayed.
        pageSizeNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Enter the number of pieces of information to be displayed in the Pagination in the list view.
        If you enter a default value of 0, all lists are queried.
        sortedByNoString-Name of Launch Configuration (launchConfigurationName) | Date Created (createDate) [No case sensitivity]
        Default: Name of Launch Configuration(launchConfigurationName)
        sortingOrderNoString-Ascending | descending [No case sensitivity]
        Default: Ascending
        regionNoNoStringYou can reach a state in which input is possible by calling getRegionList.

        Response Data type

        • LaunchConfigurationList Type
        LaunchConfigurationList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List launchConfigurationList = new ArrayList();
        LaunchConfiguration extends BaseObject
        private String launchConfigurationName;
        private String serverImageProductCode;
        private String serverProductCode;
        private String memberServerImageNo;
        private String loginKeyName;
        private Date createDate;
        private String userData;
        private String initScriptNo;
        private List accessControlGroupList;
        AccessControlGroup extends BaseObject
        private String accessControlGroupConfigurationNo;
        private String accessControlGroupName;
        private String accessControlGroupDescription;
        private boolean isDefault;
        private Date createDate;



        ncloud autoscaling getLaunchConfigurationList --launchConfigurationNameList test-config
        Plain text


          "getLaunchConfigurationListResponse": {
            "requestId": "81b5af88-be56-44d6-8c4d-2ea6554213d8",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 1,
            "launchConfigurationList": [
                "launchConfigurationName": "test-config",
                "launchConfigurationNo": "***013",
                "serverImageProductCode": "SPSW0LINUX000046",
                "serverProductCode": "SPSVRSTAND000004",
                "memberServerImageNo": "",
                "loginKeyName": "test-key",
                "createDate": "2017-11-28T14:29:23+0900",
                "userData": "",
                "initScriptNo": "",
                "accessControlGroupList": [
                    "accessControlGroupConfigurationNo": "1038",
                    "accessControlGroupName": "ncloud-default-acg",
                    "accessControlGroupDescription": "Default AccessControlGroup",
                    "isDefault": true,
                    "createDate": "2013-12-03T10:37:39+0900"
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                  <accessControlGroupDescription>Default AccessControlGroup</accessControlGroupDescription>

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