

        Article summary

        Can be used in a Classic environment.


        Instantly creates snapshots for a NAS volume instance.
        Snapshot information needs to be checked in advance since snapshots may not be created or existing snapshots may be deleted if there's not enough snapshot capacity requested.


        Request parameter

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        nasVolumeInstanceNoYesString- NAS volume instance number where the snapshot will be created
        nasVolumeInstanceNo: It can be obtained through the getNasVolumeInstanceList action.


        Response data type

        • NasVolumeSnapshotList type
        NasVolumeSnapshotList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<NasVolumeSnapshot> nasVolumeSnapshotList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String nasVolumeSnapshotName;
        private Date createDate;
        private Long snapshotSize;
        private Boolean isBusy;


        Request examples

        ncloud server createNasVolumeSnapshot --nasVolumeInstanceNo ***3901
        Plain text

        Response examples

        The snapshot list of the corresponding NAS volume instance after completing the request


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