

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        Views the list of block storage volume types.


        Request parameters

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString-- Region code
        Decides the Region for which the block storage instance list is to be viewed
        regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
        Default: select the first Region shown in the getRegionList search results
        zoneCodeNoString-- ZONE code
        Decides the zone for which the block storage instance list is to be viewed
        zoneCode can be obtained through the getZoneList action
        blockStorageVolumeTypeCodeListNoList<String>-- List of the block storage type code
        You can search by filtering with a block storage volume type code
        ex) --blockStorageVolumeTypeCodeList SSD
        hypervisorTypeCodeListNoList<String>-- List of hypervisor type codes
        hypervisorTypeCode can be obtained through the getHypervisorTypeList action
        ex) --hypervisorTypeCodeList XEN
        serverSpecCodeNoString-- Server specification code
        You can search by filtering with a server specification code
        serverSpecCode can be obtained through the getServerSpecList action
        isBasicStorageAvailableNoBoolean-- Default storage availability
        responseFormatTypeNoString-- Format type of responses
        Options : xml | json
        Default : xml


        Response data type

        • BlockStorageVolumeTypeList type
        BlockStorageVolumeTypeList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<BlockStorageVolumeType> blockStorageVolumeTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
        private CommonCode blockStorageVolumeType;
        private CommonCode hypervisorType;
        private Long minBasicVolumeSize;
        private Long maxBasicVolumeSize;
        private Long minVolumeSize;
        private Long maxVolumeSize;
        private Long minIops;
        private Long maxIops;
        private Long minThroughput;
        private Long maxThroughput;
        private List<String> zoneCodeList;
        private Boolean isBasicStorageAvailable;


        Request examples

        ncloud vserver getBlockStorageVolumeTypeList --regionCode KR --zoneCode KR-1 --blockStorageVolumeTypeCodeList SSD --hypervisorTypeCodeList XEN --isBasicStorageAvailable true
        Plain text

        Response examples


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