

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        It creates a NAT gateway instance.


        Request parameters

        Parameter NameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString- Region code
        You can decide the region in which the NAT Gateway will be created
        Region code can be obtained through the getRegionList action
        Default: selects the first region of the getRegionList search results
        zoneCodeYesString- Zone code
        Determine the zone in which the NAT Gateway instance will be created
        Zone code can be obtained through the getZoneList action
        vpcNoYesString-VPC No.
        Determine the VPC in which the NAT Gateway instance will be created
        VPC No. can be obtained through the getVpcList action
        natGatewayNameNoStringMin: 3, Max: 30
        Only lowercase English letters, numbers, and "-" are allowed, and it must start with an English letter.
        It must end with an English letter or a number.
        - The name of NAT Gateway to be created
        Default: NAVER Cloud Platform automatically assigns it
        natGatewayDescriptionNoStringMin: 0, Max: 1000 BytesDescription of a NAT Gateway to be created
        responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
        Options: xml | json
        Default: xml
        publicIpInstanceNoNoString- Public IP instance No.
        Ignore if the subnet is of the private type(subnet type code)
        If the subnet is public, automatic creation when the public instance No. is NULL and assignment when it is not-NULL
        privateIpNoString- Private IP
        Ignore if the subnet is public
        If the subnet is public, automatic assignment when it is NULL and creation with that IP when it is not-NULL
        subnetNoNoString-NATGW type subnet No.
        When it is NULL, it creates a NATGW subnet of the public type
        When it is not-NULL, it creates NATGateway according to the subnet's subnet type code


        Response data type

        • NatGateway instance list type
        NatGatewayInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List natGatewayInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String vpcNo;
        private String vpcName;
        private String natGatewayInstanceNo;
        private String natGatewayName;
        private String publicIp;
        private CommonCode natGatewayInstanceStatus;
        private String natGatewayInstanceStatusName;
        private CommonCode natGatewayInstanceOperation;
        private Date createDate;
        private String natGatewayDescription;
        private String zoneCode;
        private CommonCode natGatewayType;
        private String subnetName;
        private String subnetNo;
        private String privateIp;
        private String publicIpInstanceNo;


        Request examples

        ncloud vpc createNatGatewayInstance --regionCode KR --zoneCode KR-1 --vpcNo ***04 --natGatewayName test-*** --subnetNo ***28 --publicIpInstanceNo ***25
        Plain text

        Response examples

                <natGatewayInstanceStatusName>in preparation</natGatewayInstanceStatusName>
                    <codeName>NULL OP</codeName>

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