

        Article summary


        Searching NAS volume instance list


        Search NAS volume instance lists.

        Request Parameters

        Parameter NameRequirednessTypeLimitationDescription
        volumeAllotmentProtocolTypeCodeNoStringMin : 1, Max : 5Volume assignment protocol type code
        NFS | CIFS
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.
        isEventConfigurationNoBooleanEvent configuration Y/N
        true | false
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.
        isSnapshotConfigurationNoBooleanSanapshot volume configuration Y/N
        true | false
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.
        nasVolumeInstanceNoListNoListNas Volume instance Vo. List
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.
        regionNoNoStringYou can reach a state in which inout is possible by calling getRegionList.
        Default : KR region
        zoneNoNoStringYou can get Nas Volume instnace if you configure filters of Zone No.
        All will be selected if you do not configure filters.

        Response Data Type

        • NasVolumeInstanceList type
        NasVolumeInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private int totalRows;
        private List nasVolumeInstanceList = new ArrayList();
        private String nasVolumeInstanceNo;
        private CommonCode nasVolumeInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode nasVolumeInstanceOperation;
        private String nasVolumeInstanceStatusName;
        private Date createDate;
        private String nasVolumeInstanceDescription;
        private String mountInformation;
        private CommonCode volumeAllotmentProtocolType;
        private String volumeName;
        private long volumeTotalSize;
        private long volumeSize;
        private float snapshotVolumeConfigurationRatio;
        private CommonCode snapshotVolumeConfigPeriodType;
        private CommonCode snapshotVolumeConfigDayOfWeekType;
        private Integer snapshotVolumeConfigTime;
        private long snapshotVolumeSize;
        private boolean isSnapshotConfiguration;
        private boolean isEventConfiguration;
        private Region region;
        private Zone zone;
        private Boolean isReturnProtection;
        private List nasVolumeInstanceCustomIpList = new ArrayList();
        private List nasVolumeServerInstanceList = new ArrayList();



        ncloud server getNasVolumeInstanceList --nasVolumeInstanceNoList 397631
        Plain text


          "getNasVolumeInstanceListResponse": {
            "requestId": "3f14f2a9-6d32-409f-9065-d6fb0332eb01",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 1,
            "nasVolumeInstanceList": [
                "nasVolumeInstanceNo": "397631",
                "nasVolumeInstanceStatus": {
                  "code": "CREAT",
                  "codeName": "NAS create"
                "nasVolumeInstanceOperation": {
                  "code": "NULL",
                  "codeName": "NAS NULL OP"
                "nasVolumeInstanceStatusName": "created",
                "createDate": "2018-02-26T09:13:01+0000",
                "nasVolumeInstanceDescription": "",
                "mountInformation": "",
                "volumeAllotmentProtocolType": {
                  "code": "NFS",
                  "codeName": "NFS"
                "volumeName": "n000212_penguin",
                "volumeTotalSize": 536870912000,
                "volumeSize": 536870912000,
                "snapshotVolumeConfigurationRatio": 0.0,
                "snapshotVolumeSize": 0,
                "isSnapshotConfiguration": false,
                "isEventConfiguration": false,
                "region": {
                  "regionNo": "1",
                  "regionCode": "KR",
                  "regionName": "Korea"
                "zone": {
                  "zoneNo": "2",
                  "zoneName": "KR-1",
                  "zoneCode": "KR-1",
                  "zoneDescription": "KR-1 zone",
                  "regionNo" : "1"
                "isReturnProtection": false,
                "nasVolumeInstanceCustomIpList": [],
                "nasVolumeServerInstanceList": []
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
              <codeName>NAS create</codeName>
              <codeName>NAS NULL OP</codeName>
              <zoneDescription>KR-1 zone</zoneDescription>

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