

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search the list of Cloud DB for Redis backup details available for use.


        Request parameters

        Parameter NameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoStringRegion code
        You can decide the region where the Cloud DB for Redis backup details list will be searched.
        You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action.
        Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
        cloudRedisInstanceNoYesStringCloud DB for Redis instance number
        You can decide the Cloud DB for Redis instance number with which the backup details will be searched.
        You can obtain the cloudRedisInstanceNo through the getCloudRedisInstanceList action.
        outputNoStringFormat type for the response results
        Options: xml | json
        Default: json


        Response Data Type

        • CloudRedisBackupDetailList type
        CloudRedisBackupDetailList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<CloudRedisBackupDetail> cloudRedisInstanceList = new ArrayList<>();
        private Date startTime;
        private Date endTime;
        private Long backupSize;
        private Long dataStorageSize;
        private String fileName;


        Examples of requests

        ncloud vredis getCloudRedisBackupDetailList --regionCode KR --cloudRedisInstanceNo ****821
        Plain text

        Examples of responses


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