

        Article summary

        Can be used in a Classic environment.


        Creates a load balancer instance.


        Creates a load balancer instance.

        Request parameter

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        loadBalancerNameNoStringMin: 3, Max: 30- Name of the load balancer to be created
        Default: assigned by Ncloud
        loadBalancerAlgorithmTypeCodeNoStringMin: 1, Max: 5- Load balancer algorithm classification code
        Algorithms that can be entered: [ROUND ROBIN (RR) | LEAST_CONNECTION (LC)]
        Default: ROUND ROBIN (RR)
        loadBalancerDescriptionNoStringMin: 1, Max: 1000Description of the load balancer to be entered upon creation
        serverInstanceNoListNoListIt can't be duplicated.- Server instance number list to be bound to the load balancer
        The server instance number can be searched through the getLoadBalancancerTargetServerInstanceList action.
        loadBalancerRuleList.protocolTypeCodeYesStringMin: 1, Max: 5- Protocol classification code of the load balancer rule
        The following code can be entered: [HTTP | TCP]
        loadBalancerRuleList.loadBalancerPortYesIntegerMin: 1, Max: 65534Load balancer port of the load balancer rule
        loadBalancerRuleList.serverPortYesIntegerMin: 1, Max: 65534Server port for the load balancer rule
        loadBalancerRuleList.l7HealthCheckPathConditionalStringMin: 1, Max: 600- Health check path of the load balancer rule
        Required field if the loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocolTypeCode value is HTTP/HTTPS
        loadBalancerRuleList.certificateNameConditionalStringMin: 1, Max: 300- Load balancer's SSL public certificate
        Required field if the loadBalancerRuleList.protocloTypeCode value is SSL/HTTPS.
        loadBalancerRuleList.proxyProtocolUseYnNoStringMin: 1, Max: 1Load balancer rule list. Proxy protocol use status
        loadBalancerRuleList.N.stickySessionUseYnNoString- Access by session usage status
        It can only be set when the loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocloTypeCode value is HTTP HTTPS.
        Options: Y (enabled)|N (disabled)
        loadBalancerRuleList.N.http2UseYnNoString- HTTP/2 protocol use status
        It can only be set when the loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocloTypeCode value is HTTPS.
        Options: Y (enabled)|N (disabled)
        loadBalancerRuleList.N.serverProtocolTypeCodeNoString- Server protocol classification code
        It can only be set when the loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocloTypeCode value is HTTPS.
        Options: HTTP HTTPS
        Default: HTTP
        regionNoNoStringYou can obtain the status where input is possible through the getRegionList action.

        Response data type

        • LoadBalancerInstanceList type
        LoadBalancerInstanceList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List<LoadBalancerInstance> loadBalancerInstanceList = new ArrayList();
        private String loadBalancerInstanceNo;
        private String virtualIp;
        private String loadBalancerName;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerAlgorithmType;
        private String loadBalancerDescription;
        private Date createDate;
        private String domainName;
        private String loadBalancerInstanceStatusName;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode loadBalancerInstanceOperation;
        private CommonCode networkUsageType;
        private boolean isHttpKeepAlive;
        private Integer connectionTimeout;
        private String certificateName;
        private List loadBalancerRuleList;
        private List loadBalancedServerInstanceList;



        ncloud loadbalancer createLoadBalancerInstance --loadBalancerName penguin --loadBalancerRuleList "protocolTypeCode=HTTP,loadBalancerPort=80,serverPort=80,l7HealthCheckPath='/l7check.html',proxyProtocolUseYn=N"
        Plain text


          "createLoadBalancerInstanceResponse": {
            "requestId": "2e636399-add9-4b7d-8714-91a87740af74",
            "returnCode": 0,
            "returnMessage": "success",
            "totalRows": 1,
            "loadBalancerInstanceList": [
                  "loadBalancerInstanceNo": 465900,
                  "virtualIp": ",",
                  "loadBalancerName": "penguin",
                  "loadBalancerAlgorithmType": {
                    "code": "RR",
                    "codeName": "Round Robin"
                  "loadBalancerDescription": "",
                  "createDate": "0572-12-03T15:19:16+0900",
                  "domainName": "",
                  "loadBalancerInstanceStatusName": "creating",
                  "loadBalancerInstanceStatus": {
                    "code": "INIT",
                    "codeName": "NET INIT state"
                  "loadBalancerInstanceOperation": {
                    "code": "USE",
                    "codeName": "NET USE OP"
                  "networkUsageType": {
                    "code": "PBLIP",
                    "codeName": "Public"
                  "isHttpKeepAlive": false,
                  "connectionTimeout": 60,
                  "certificateName": "",
                  "loadBalancerRuleList": [
                        "protocolType": {
                          "code": "HTTP",
                          "codeName": "http"
                        "loadBalancerPort": 80,
                        "serverPort": 80,
                        "l7HealthCheckPath": "/l7check.html",
                        "certificateName": "",
                        "proxyProtocolUseYn": "N",
                        "stickySessionUseYn": "N",
                        "http2UseYn": "N"
                  "loadBalancedServerInstanceList": [
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
              <codeName>Round Robin</codeName>
              <codeName>NET INIT state</codeName>
              <codeName>NET USE OP</codeName>

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