

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search list of target groups.


        Request Parameters

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoStringRegion code
        You can decide the region where the list of target groups will be searched.
        You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action.
        Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
        vpcNoNoStringVPC number
        You can search by filtering with an VPC number.
        You can obtain the vpcNo through the getVpcList action.
        targetTypeCodeNoStringTarget type code
        You can search by filtering with a target type code.
        Options : VSVR (Server (VPC))
        targetGroupNoList.NNoList<String>List of target group numbers
        You can search by filtering with a target group number.
        You can obtain the targetGroupNo through the getTargetGroupList action.
        ex) targetGroupNoList.1=1234&targetGroupNoList.2=2345
        pageNoNoIntegerPage number of the paged results
        The results can be paged using pageNo and pageSize.
        pageSizeConditionalIntegerEach page size to be displayed when paging
        The results can be paged using pageNo and pageSize.
        You must enter it when entering pageNo.
        sortList.N.sortedByNoStringSorted by
        You can sort the result by a member target group number and target group name.
        Options : targetGroupNo | targetGroupName
        ex) sortList.1.sortedBy=targetGroupNo
        sortList.N.sortingOrderNoStringSorting order
        When using sortedBy, sort in ascending/descending order.
        Options: ASC (ascending order) | DESC (descending order)
        Default : ASC
        ex) sortList.1.sortingOrder=DESC
        responseFormatTypeNoStringFormat type of the response results
        Options : xml | json
        Default : xml


        Response data type

        • TargetGroupList type
        TargetGroupList extends CommonResponse
        private Integer totalRows;
        private List targetGroupList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String targetGroupNo;
        private String targetGroupName;
        private CommonCode targetType;
        private String vpcNo;
        private CommonCode targetGroupProtocolType;
        private Integer targetGroupPort;
        private String targetGroupDescription;
        private Boolean useStickySession;
        private Boolean useProxyProtocol;
        private CommonCode algorithmType;
        private Date createDate;
        private String regionCode;
        private String loadBalancerInstanceNo;
        private CommonCode healthCheckProtocolType;
        private Integer healthCheckPort;
        private String healthCheckUrlPath;
        private CommonCode healthCheckHttpMethodType;
        private Integer healthCheckCycle;
        private Integer healthCheckUpThreshold;
        private Integer healthCheckDownThreshold;
        private TargetNoList targetNoList;
        private List targetNoList = new ArrayList<>();


        Request example

        ncloud vloadbalancer getTargetGroupList --regionCode KR --vpcNo ***04 --targetTypeCode VSVR --targetGroupNoList ***095
        Plain text

        Response example

                <codeName>Server (VPC)</codeName>
                <codeName>HTTP protocol</codeName>
                <codeName>Round Robin</codeName>
                <codeName>HTTP protocol</codeName>

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