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    Article Summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Create or edit scaling action schedules.
    You can set one-time and repeated schedules.
    Specify a startTime and do not set a recurrence to create an one-time schedule.
    Set a recurrence to create a repeated schedule. (If you set the repeated schedule same as the startTime, it will be executed after startTime.)


    Request Parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoStringRegion code
    You can decide the region of Auto Scaling Group to create or edit the scheduled action.
    You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
    autoScalingGroupNoYesStringAuto Scaling Group number
    You can obtain the autoScalingGroupNo through the getAutoScalingGroupList action.
    scheduledActionNoConditionalStringThe scheduled action number to edit
    You can specify a schedule to edit by using with a scheduled action number.
    Do not enter if you create a new scheduled action.
    Either scheduledActionNo or scheduledActionName is required to be entered if you edit.
    You can obtain the scheduledActionNo through the getScheduledActionList action.
    scheduledActionNameConditionalStringMin : 1, Max : 255
    Only lower case English letters, numbers, and "-" are allowed, and it has to start with an English letter.
    It must end with an English letter or number.
    Scheduled action name
    You can enter a scheduled action name to create or edit.
    If a scheduled action with the specified name already exists, the scheduled action is edited.
    Either scheduledActionNo or scheduledActionName is required to be entered if you edit.
    You must enter the scheduledActionName if you create.
    You can obtain the scheduledActionName through the getScheduledActionList action.
    minSizeYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Minimum capacity
    This is the minimum number of Auto Scaling Groups. The number of servers that are larger or equal to this value is always maintained. Set it to 0 if you want no server.
    The minimum capacity settings of the Auto Scaling Group are changed by the action.
    It must be less than or equal to the maxSize.
    maxSizeYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Maximum capacity
    This is the allowed maximum number of servers in the Auto Scaling Group.
    The maximum capacity settings of the Auto Scaling Group are changed by the action.
    It must be more than or equal to the minSize.
    desiredCapacityYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Desired capacity
    The number of servers is adjusted depending on the expected capacity value.
    The expected capacity settings of the Auto Scaling Group are changed by the action.
    It must be more than or equal to the minSize, and less than or equal to the maxSize.
    startTimeConditionalDateyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZSchedule start date
    You can decide the date and time when the schedule initially starts.
    If you enter it simultaneously with recurrence, the action is executed on the fastest repeated schedule after the startTime.
    If you only enter the recurrence, the fastest repeated schedule is specified as the startTime.
    If you do not enter a recurrence, you must enter a startTime.
    It can't overlap with the startTime of different schedules, and must be later than current time and earlier than the endTime.
    format : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
    ex) 2020-07-25T17:50:00+0900, 2020-07-25T17:50:00+09:00
    endTimeNoDateyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZSchedule end date
    You can decide the date and time when the repeated schedule ends.
    It must be later than the current time and startTime.
    format : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
    ex) 2020-07-25T17:50:00+0900, 2020-07-25T17:50:00+09:00
    recurrenceNoStringcrontab expressionRecurrence
    You can specify a repeated schedule as the crontab format.
    Specify the minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week fields, using a space as a delimiter.
    You can enter the following valid values in each field.
    1 to 12 (or English name of the month)
    0 to 7 (or English name of the day, 0 or 7 shall be Sunday)
    You can also use asterisk (*), which means all the values from the start to the end.
    e.g., 1) Every hour on the hour 0 * * * *
    e.g., 2) Every Saturday, at 4:30 PM 30 16 * * 6
    e.g., 3) Every 1st day, at midnight 0 0 1 * *
    e.g., 4) January 1st of every year, at midnight 0 0 1 Jan *
    timeZoneNoStringTime range
    You can specify a time range for the repeated settings.
    Options : KST (UTC+9) | UTC (UTC+0)
    Default : KST
    responseFormatTypeNoStringFormat type of the response results
    Options : xml | json
    Default : xml


    Response data type

    • ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList type
    ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList extends CommonResponse
    private Integer totalRows;
    private List scheduledUpdateGroupActionList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String autoScalingGroupNo;
    private String scheduledActionNo;
    private String scheduledActionName;
    private Integer minSize;
    private Integer maxSize;
    private Integer desiredCapacity;
    private Date startTime;
    private Date endTime;
    private String recurrence;
    private String timeZone;


    Request example

    ncloud vautoscaling putScheduledUpdateGroupAction --regionCode KR --autoScalingGroupNo ***700 --scheduledActionName test-*** --minSize 0 --maxSize 0 --desiredCapacity 0 --startTime "2020-12-15T17:00:00+0900" --endTime "2020-12-15T18:00:00+0900" --recurrence "5 * * * *" --timeZone KST

    Response example

          <recurrence>5 * * * *</recurrence>

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